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Old December 9th, 2009, 00:45   #8
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Mtl
There's been a lot of research about the effects of music on the mind, music and emotions in the past few years. The best-seller "This is your brain on Music" by D.J. Levitin has some pretty good concepts on that subject. It's light, easy to read, although it has some neuroscience mistakes, but the author is more a musician than anything else in my point of view. Easily found in libraries.

I remember a thread in another forum that was "your favourite ride theme", as in what song do paramedics play on the ambulance when driving to an intervention. You'd be surprised what people put up hehe.

One research showed that classical music helps with concentration (focus) when studying. Even classical music played in the background of a teacher addressing students showed that students were more attentive.

Edit: Book title.

Last edited by Leeloo; December 9th, 2009 at 00:53..
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