Thread: 2009 kwa m4
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Old December 6th, 2009, 00:08   #1
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
2009 kwa m4

I was just wondering if the KWA M4 S-System that we can purchase in Canada is the same one that is being sold in the U.S. except for the clear lowers of course. Just trying to see if the reviews for the new 2009 model of KWA M4 are applicable to what we can get here. The only camparable information that I`ve noticed is that it has a 2GX gearbox. But that was also put into some of the old 2008 guns and sold at special reduced prices at some stores in the U.S. I`m just wanting the additional improvements I`ve been reading about besides just the gearbox.
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