Gear questions are perfectly valid for this thread as well, and are to be covered as well (sorry, been quite busy with work lately, and while the document has been started, I haven't been able to complete it yet.)
I'm not too knowledgeable on all the gear options out there, but I know what's worked for me and some others so far.
I know some users are able to fit their 4.3 Hi-Capa in to Serpa holsters by switching to Tanio Koba grips (as Styrak indicated) and by also chopping off the bottom of the holster, due to the block cut front end of the 4.3.
Also, if you have a 5.1 with an integrated rail frame with light mount attached, I've found that it will fit perfectly to a Safariland 6004 made for Springfield Operator / Kimber Warrior / etc with integrated light mount.