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Old December 1st, 2009, 01:36   #15
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Winnipeg
Perfect, thanks for all of the help guys

I figured I would give you all an update on how the gun is right now,

I managed to fit the spring and rod into the slide but alas the gun was still having issues, so I took it to one of the helpful gunsmith's on this site props to ThunderCactus for helpin' me out.

Once the gun was all assembled the time came for a test fire, suffice it to say the gun failed to perform... The slide would go all the way back and then get stuck on the trigger, so we had to file both the blowback chamber and the hammer down for it to cycle properly.

After that was done, we still ran into some problems the slide still wasn't making it back "home"; were thinking it's due to my upgraded hammerspring (guarder 150%). So once I get my stock replacement hammer spring, I'll be able to see if it makes any difference (props to Aquamarine for sourcing me some stock replacements).

Thank's again everyone for all the help


Last edited by NickRoy; December 1st, 2009 at 01:48.. Reason: reworded
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