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Old November 29th, 2009, 22:39   #129
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Been there, done that. 0.12g is a waste of time, I've gotten more hits on guys at games with varied ammo weights by stepping on them and having them shoot off somewhere. Trust me, I've been creditted with kills at games I didn't even attend.

Don't treat me like a noob, I've been in the shittiest positions anyone can get into, and dealt with all, either had my ass owned large (and learned from it) to pulling off shit to survive most players would say "WTF?!?" to. I often set myself up totally undergunned and deal with it, is why I still play. AEGs get boring after a while, is why I'm looking at complimenting my all day carry with "crapsoft". If I can do well with it based upon experience and my only trick is using heavier BBs based upon my extensive ballistics studies, where does that leave the rest of you?
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