well he is right. i dont play paintball anymore, i stopped playing pb for plenty of reasons and the cost was one of them. i think the man is a genius. from what i take it seems a bag of paint 'll cost about $20 and youll get 45% more product in a bag, so thats pretty exciting. that also means they can start making pb gun more realistic like real action markers as the markers can be smaller, more diverse/ specialized dimensions/ shapes. ie more realistic, which will help us out as in if realistic paintball markers become standard/ popular it can blanket ours with hte same acception/ freedom.
i like it that spretty cool, i wont stop playing airsoft for it tho, but it makes the sport a little more respectable/ cooler.
Age verifier southern Alberta
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.