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Old November 22nd, 2009, 19:23   #35
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Um no. Parts and guns are the same price they were 2 years ago (albeit an approx 5-10% increase in price due to the depression)

Quality went down, nothing more.

TM's and CA's cost the same if not more than they used to (due to it being more rare).
Your buying cheaper chinese quality products, thats why its "cheaper" for you to aquire.

That being said, 95% of "Japanese Quality" parts are now made in china, including TM and Systema. Go figure.

I used to be a total systema fan, but the parts quality has gone downhill. I have gears losing teeth in less than 50 cycles, pistons stripping (Due to defects) etc. Material quality has become a serious issue with systema. If you got your hands on some of the older gen Japanese systema parts, keep em. Imo they are worth a goldmine. However the new stuff is pretty much trash.

Pics look awsome tho.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; November 22nd, 2009 at 19:27..
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