Originally Posted by SHÖCK
Well, these have appeared and they are selling with a 100% markup of the street price for these, even factoring in $50-$80 shipping.
I would take one for $500 but $600 and the need to buy $50 30-round mags on top of that is aggravating when it should be legal to import and thus the double markup is hard to swallow on the basis of covering seized items.
This is the only Cansoft I would ever consider as the actual Scar also has a polymer lower so it wouldn't bug me so much. I'm just disappointed in the pricing.
oh yah eh? and the street price includes getting them to make a clear plastic lower body custom just for you too right?
and if it's so legal and easily accessible, just import one yourself then why don't you?
Not to mention, we took a big risk, knowing the the upper is the truly restricted part, but hey, sometimes the risk is worth it.
I work for a store, the store's owner did all the legwork in HK to make these guns possible and if it were left to him, they would cost alot more to make back his investment, but being a part of the community and knowing the value of things, including the cost of a full black/tan SCAR I settled on the price that it is today.
If you don't like the price, then don't buy, but don't talk shit out of your uninformed ass about my products or my business practices.
Sunil R.