Thread: Nerf Katyusha
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Old October 25th, 2009, 02:40   #1
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Wilmington NC
Talking Nerf Katyusha

Ok, so im very new here and just wanted to share something ive seen and used that has to do with eastern bloc impressions. im a backyard airsofter, more or less, and my friends dont specifically do any eastern bloc anything, but one of the guys put together a pretty awesome artillery peice. Its litterally a Katyusha rocket platform for Nerf balls. A little over the edge, but the guy is an engineer and has always wanted to add a new level of awesome to our games. It's an 8 barrel potato-gun style platform on a carriage, so its not quite authenic looking. its more of an organ gun, but he calls it a katyusha. It is unfortunatly combustion, but he's making a second one thats pnumatic. It hurls nerf balls at an angle so they rain down as indirect fire, so even with a combustion system the terminal velocity is pretty safe. the next one is probably going to be modeled after the american version of the system. Its a lot of fun and can really dominate the flow of a battle. It's awesome power and very decent accuracy is balenced by it's slow reload and difficult to aim system. Just wanted to hear the general responses to it! I'd post a link or pic, but im out and not currently living in the area
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