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Old October 21st, 2009, 18:46   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Niagara Region
Looking but finding it hard for a new airsoft gun

Hey Guys... my real handle is CDN_Rogue.

I have been looking for my first airsoft gun. A a newbie at airsoft , but long time realsim paintball player, I have been trying to review some of the guns that are out there. There are just way to many to choose from. Narrowing it down seems hard to do.

My question is ... Are AEG upgradeable to the same extent agross all guns or are some you just can't upgrade at all and some you can upgrade very easily and perfered?
When I say upgradable, I am talking about the internals and the externals. Could you give me some examples of each (hard or non upgradable AEG versus very easy and prefferred upgradable guns.) Do they all use the same parts?

I should add that the style I am looking for is either M4 Carbine, HK416 or a Masada.
Task Force Delta Canada
Redline N7 Milsim M4
FCC Systema PTW
TM G17

Last edited by cdn_; October 21st, 2009 at 18:58..
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