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Old October 20th, 2009, 18:03   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Field Rules and Disciplinary action

The following is a memo we have recently sent out to our local players regarding a recent series of unfortunate behaviour at one of our events. We tried to handle it in a quiet manner but it has continued on and at this point we have decided to post our take on it as a airsoft field. I am not sure if this is the part of the forum for it but we wanted the rest of the community to be aware of the issue we had, and how we view it. I am posting it here to see how the community at large felt and if anyone had any advice with similar issues:

As many of you know one of our recent game days had a series of unfortunate events. After talking to both parties and consulting a wide variety of witnesses we have decided on a course of action. From the reports we got this incident didnt ruin the day but many people made it clear to us they would not care to see this garbage happen again EVER. Normally this matter would have been left with the individuals involved but from what we hear this is now an ongoing issue and as far as we are concerned our part in it is DONE. We have decided to post what happened and why we will never tolerate its like again so that everyone is clear:

One player had a dispute with another player over a mercy call. Though the dispute was reported to admin the two players in question 'found' each other on the field and the dispute escalated.

Both players broke the rule about respecting all other players, with a variety of name calling. In future this sort of disrespect will result in immediate expulsion from the field WITHOUT REFUND.

Then one player shot the other player in the back out of anger with 2-4 rounds at point blank. This was done when safetys were to be on and magazines to be out- most witnesses complained that they were not wearing eye protection at that time. In future this sort of behaviour will result in immediate expulsion from the field, life long banning and we will report the infraction to the local ASC rep who has assured us that he will have their status pulled and they will be black listed by the community in general. This action pretty much sums up what all responsible airsofters despise- the misuse of the tools of our sport.

The player who was shot in the back then physically assaulted the other player and both players engaged in what can only be described as a wrestling match. In future this sort of behaviour will result in immediate expulsion from the field, life long banning and we will report the infraction to the local ASC rep who has assured us that he will have their status pulled and they will be black listed by the community in general. We will also write up an incident report to be provided should legal action be pursued and assault charges be in question.

Then while the staff were trying to sort this issues out the first player found the second player again and another dispute started. Both players broke the rule about respecting all other players, yet again.

The first player in question has been asked not to come back until the 2010 season and will be on probation, the second was removed from the field that day and is now on probation as well. Though we had respect for these two players and know that anger is a problem every one experiences, at this point we are rapidly becoming tired of policing adults who cant act in a mature and reasonable fashion and will come down hard and without remorse if any of this crap happens again with ANYONE.

To be clear this business was set up to run a safe, fun, and enjoyable game for reasonably mature people. We have no interest in violent crisis intervention or making adults act their age- its not a bar or a night club and we dont care to run it as such.

thank you,
Hardcorps Combat Simulations Staff
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