To justify such a price, I'd have to see a pic. At that price, I expect the netting to be custom made with paracord with hand stiched green elastics inbetween for foliage. As well as a well designed ventilation systeme.
I do my own, with less bells and wisles, but it costed me less than 100$ to make. Actually, it was less than 50$ and I could say that it's close to military grade. Only the netting differ.
So, airsoft requirement: the same as military. Except no need for IR treatment and NEED of fast in and out option. Like bottom leg opening for putting it on and off without removing boots. The garnishing need to be even better than military, since it will be used for close encounter most of the time. Most airsoft sniper don't take the time to properly add local vegetation to it, so it must be "good looking" to start.
Fire retardant is also very important.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
Last edited by FOX_111; October 19th, 2009 at 23:22..