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Old October 16th, 2009, 22:20   #37
Vince's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Drummondville QC
Being a total gearwhore, mostly iinto issued kit...

Since I began in airsoft I had

-M61 USMC belt gear (Nam issue)
-M56 Us Army belt gear (Nam issue)-Woodland IBA
-Desert IBA
-Coyote Brown IBA
-Custom Cadpat rig
-Arktis 42CDO rig
-UK Issue General OPS Vest
-OG PLCE wbgear ('90 issue)
-DPM PLCE webgear ('95 issue)
-TAG Riflmen chestrig
-Blackhawk Recon Commando chest harness (MOLLE)
-Eagle Ind. 5.56 chestrig
-Paraclete HPC w/ various pouches
-Eagle Ind. Plate carrier w/ various MLCS pouches
-Eagle Ind. LE rig w/ DFLCS pouches
-TAG Chestrig w/ FSBE2 pouches
-PACA SVS (real)
-ATS 7.62 chestrig
-SDS Woodland FLC w/ pouches
-SDS Coyote Brown FLC w/ pouches
-Paraclete RACK w/ Eagle Ind&TT pouches
-Safariland ELCS (complete)
-Issued '80 SAS web gear
-Issued Australian webgear-SOuth African M83 vest (real not chinese fake)
-UK Issue Osprey body armor MKI and MKII
-Issued Dutch modular LBV
-BLackwater IO Plate carrier w/ BHI pouches
-Phantom CIRAS-L
-SOTECH plate carrier
-Black Ops plate carrier (Afghan made)

In green is what I still have. I wont even start with BDU and helmets...

*Edit* Oh forgot... I traded the HPC last night for an Eagle Ind plate carrier w/ Cumberbung and various pouches LOL
Who wants to dine in hell?

Last edited by Vince; October 17th, 2009 at 09:48..
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