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Old October 9th, 2009, 11:26   #27
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Airsoft Surgeon never intended on having the tilting/rocking barrel design in their lineup. The cost of these barrels was extremely high (if you remember, they cost around $275 through me, for a standard 5.1" bull or straight barrel.)

The barrel that I quoted for you on your Kimber Pro CDP II build, is this new "Advanced Model" steel barrel. You are correct though, it DOES lose the sound of the metal clanking during its lockup with the slide.

Let me know if you prefer this to be of the tilting design ASAP - I will have to get a re-quote for you, and I will need to confirm that the barrel hasn't already been manufactured yet. The tilting barrel may also be a higher price now, as it is no longer a high run product. The large production has shifted entirely to the Advanced Model.
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