Thread: M14 Question
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Old October 7th, 2009, 14:32   #15
Join Date: Oct 2009

This question is primarily for ILLusion:
Alrite I have a TM14 and I just had a hop twist barrel put in it and also a new spring which brought it up to abt 350-360 fps. but that was before i knew that it was joules, not fps that mattered for the usage of the barrel.the shop told me just to use .25s to even it out, but after reading your research in the thread, i kno that joules are wat matter. so wat i am asking is, to get the most accuracy and distance (w/o that annoying bb lift at the end) should in itry to decrease it down to one joule again? also, wat should i do with the hop up, adjust it like normal, all the way up, or totally off? it is currantly in the shop again so i you could let me know wat you think wud giv me the best results, i wud appreciate it.
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