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Old October 7th, 2009, 11:19   #42
PoFF's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Laval, QC
Back in the days where I was much bigger (hence a bigger vest, more room for pouches) and was acting support gunner, ran my M249 on motorcycle batteries and was trigger happy, I was carrying 18 lowcaps (68 rounders) + 3 boxmags (2500 rounders each, one mounted on the gun, 2 spares). Not to say, this was heavy as hell, impractical and I sounded like a friggin' rattlesnake when running. But what the heck, the role of a support gunner ain't to run around and do fancy moves, it's all about putting as much rounds in the air as possible so your squad can move on...

Everyone tought that this was excessive & useless until that game about 6 or 7 years ago where I had to reload the whole lot middle-day, and most of it was came back empty again from the second half of the day, for a grand total of over 17000 bbs shot that day. Side note, one of the good thing of running a M249 on a remote motorcycle battery, I didn't have to recharge even with the excessive of shots taken.

Now, being 170 lbs instead of 290 means a smaller vest, less pouches. Also, with age my wisdom grew and my game style changed. I still carry alot of mags, but only realcaps, and never more than 16 (total 480 rounds), plus 3 mags for the pistol (AEP or GBB). That's for military-style outdoor gaming.

For police-style CQB games, I usually run with 8 MP5 realcaps, plus the same 3 mags for the AEP or GBB.
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Last edited by PoFF; October 7th, 2009 at 11:31..
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