If you've been to the new BB Bastard website (
www.bbbastard.com) you'll notice the home page has a revolving set of photos. I want to add to that photo list and I know there is good stuff out there that everyone has taken.
Post your pics here if you'd like to contribute to the "wall of airsoft". I'd like to turn all the photos to black and white, which is thematically in line with the site and current set of photos. I'll pick the photos. I prefer hi res pics, preferrably of game action of players close up. I'm converting all the photos to black and white.
I'll be making up a booth for the next TTAC Convention and I think I'll be including some of these photos in that booth as well.
Those photos that are picked to be on the site will be sent a free bag of BBs from me as a thank you for participating.