Thread: MARPAT Uniform
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Old October 1st, 2009, 02:06   #8
Frozen Tex
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
did you use the uniform top or combat shirt?
I'm considering getting the combat shirt, (I sweat ALOT, as in my mouse is literally coated with my sweat 24hrs after I clean it . (I use comp about 2-6hrs a day)
I just got a Tru-Spec Combat Shirt in Desert MARPAT delivered this week, from Oopsgear; $50 USD and it's quite comfy around the house, haven't had a chance to game it yet, and not sure if I will this year, due to the coming cold of the north (forecast 6' and rain for Saturday. Ugh.). Although, since I had to get XXL as they were out of stock of XL and I didn't want to wait an extra 2 weeks, it's likely big enough to wear some kind of sweater or a couple layers of woolies underneath it.

Delenda Est Carthago
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