Thread: G&G - G4 CQB R
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Old September 28th, 2009, 22:24   #7
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Toronto ON
I own this AEG. It is my first so I have nothing to compare it to previously however I belong to a cadet corps and we did just finish a 72 hour weekend exercise. For all those not in the military an exercise is simulated combat usually in a woodland terrain. We hooched it in the rain (like usual). My rifle stood up to it all. We were in many firefights and I had the most effective firepower of the platoon. This gun has very good range. I can pull off a tight grouping at about 40 paces (69cm/pace approx) standing. It is compact enough that I could sling it behind me and it would stay out of my way if i needed to work with both hands. It is almost completely black in colour so when stealth is a necessity the colour will not disclose your position (however the bbs rattling around in a highcap mag will...). Good feel and weight. My Cmdt (a Major in the Canadian Army) held it. He was impressed and said it felt like a real C8 (the Canadian equivalent of the M4 Carbine). I have made one minor modification. I have replaced the rear sight assembly with an M16 handle type sight. I find it is more accurate then the supplied one. When you recieve this AEG install the battery by sliding it on to the buffer tube first and then slide the butt stock over top. This is contrary to what the instructions say however when you follow the directions that are enclosed buffer tube catches the battery wires and can cut them. This happened to me and my battery is in really rough shape because of it.
Over all I love this AEG. XD
Deeds Not Words Hooah
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