Originally Posted by Bruce1
SO I purchased a G&G MP5 SD5 and am looking to upgrade it with a better spring, like the modify S120 of airsoftparts.ca
After doing some research I found out that I would have to upgrade the piston head, as the one that comes stock isn't that great (found by reading the review that a member did on this site) sorry don't remember the name.
And here is my question would the stock gears be able to withstand the s120 or would they strip to quickly.
Also what other parts would I need to upgrade, I was planning on getting better bushings (modify 6mm stainless steel) a new spring guide(modify bearing spring guide) along with the piston head(modify polycarbonate bearing) I read that the stock piston was polycarbonate so I was planning on keeping that but is it? I am also getting a madbull tightbore all off airsoft parts.
I'm assuming this is your first gun?
Many first time airsofters (myself included) get their first gun, and make the mistake of assuming that they can (and should) upgrade it, usually before their first game even.
In my oppinion, this is a mistake. As a new player, even simple upgrades can sometimes go horribly wrong. If i were you, i would play with the gun stock first. Spend your money on gear, batteries and mags, then maybe upgrade down the road, once you have played with the gun enough to know what you want to change about it.
Just my two cents.