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Old September 2nd, 2009, 22:32   #45
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Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Although the over 407 fps is the letter of the law.. in practice CBSA will seize anything that they think could be a replica. You can appeal and request testing.. and you may get your gun in a year's time once they get around to testing it...Most people don't really want to wait a year to get their items.
well theres this thing goes no one fight for your rights and freedom, sooner or later it wont be free. Basically a retailer needs to import one and specifically want it seize with appeal (by actually declaring as airsoft with muzzle velocity) After a model wins, it wouldn't be hard to import many as one goes through legally the rest should, otherwise you could technically file a harassment complaint
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