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Old August 27th, 2009, 21:29   #1
Assault Pioneer
formerly haakon45
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Location: Edmonton AB
need help with bdu's

Okay, for a long time Ive been using standard Woodland bdu's but theyve worn away and I've decided to get new ones, but theres so many options out there I need help with my decision.

I want to go with either Marpat or Tiger stripe.

now I found these Marpat bdu's here and theres a thing that says "Reinforced internal knee pockets for knee pad inserts, with easy access external hook & loop opening" does that mean that I can put these in there? like that means there are spots to slip knee pads in those pants?

so are those bdu's kinda like those multicam gen-2 combat bdu's that I think Huang sells in his master sales thread, (man if only they made marpat versions) also does anyone else know where those OPS knee pads are sold? I dont really feel comfortable ordering from a place called "ur-tactical" unless someone can vouch for them.

I also came across these tiger stripes, more for fashion than camoflauge I guess those say "Reinforced seat and knee patches" that isnt the same as the marpats is it? I cant put knee pads in those can I? (im pretty particular about the knee pads because mine always fall down and its very annoying)

Now I found these cheap replica's of the truspec Marpat design ones at ebairsoft, their cheap (yes I know, get what you pay for blablabla) and have the same "Reinforced Elbow/Forearm compatible" things on them but how's the shipping from ebairsoft? thats pretty far away, will $60.00 turn into $160? and how's the wait?

thanks guys, based on feedback I'll make my decision.

oh also, can I get any of the things in the above links within Canada? I checked a few and turned up nothing, and my local surplus store doesnt have marpats, probably because their so new. any online canadian retailer?
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Wow, best derailed thread, ever.
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Don't take weapons training from a book. It ranks right up there with people who think they know guns from watching a Chris Costa video.

Last edited by Assault Pioneer; August 27th, 2009 at 21:39..
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