Originally Posted by RacingManiac
I have trouble using them....same hop setting, same gun, the BB Bastards will stay in the chamber, the VA will roll out....in the system 7 mag for USP the get jam in the mag, and double feeds. None of my gun likes them(that includes Hi-Capa, KSC handgun, MP7, and M4 WOC....)....I think their OD is just small enough to cause problem...
Which reminds me...I need more Bastards...
I've had problems similar with VA BBs in some guns, and other brands in different guns.
When it comes to BBs, some work in a specific gun better than others. I'm seriously thinking about creating some "BB Sample Packs" of 200 BBs of multiple different brands, that way users can test which work best without spending a ton of dough on one brand.