In regards to clearsoft, that I have not seen mentioned, is its upgrade-ability. I think of the Kraken, which was my first gun. A paint job is a good thing, but clearsoft also gave me a more attainable upgrade path to the weapon I ultimately wanted, but could not justify in one purchase.
Indeed clearsoft Krakens have allowed two more of my friends (and other locals) to 'get in the game' both play and upgrade wise. My wife got one and now it has a new reciever, wood kit and real bayonet(regd upgrading the front end to more metal) and mine is now around 13 pounds of metal (not much plastic left). Another guy, John, was on half hours but wanted to play and has been a great addition (ex military) but being on work share, without the clearsoft option of a Kraken, never would have been able to justify the initial cost.
And frankly, when John charges the field, in good fire team just don't notice the clearsoft...its got a quality player wrapped around it, and you are too busy keeping your head down or keeping up.
Hicaps...well...mine CAME with a drum...and I have set it up as support, and thus enjoy the heavy weight of the I guess I can justify it...but all of us dislike the winding enough that buying a couple boxes of midcap Bakelite 74s fixed that.
So there ya go, an evolution of clearsoft to real both player and equipment wise, that would not have been possible without that initial platform, that is the clearsoft Kraken.
As we didn't need host or peer pressure to pursue this, just love of the game and respect for the weapon, it would suggest that your clearsoft user will vary.
Clearsoft can bring new players, its true. To say that ALL clearsoft players are not worth it, or generalizing their quality in any way, I think would be a mistake.
Last edited by Mikhail; August 13th, 2009 at 08:09..