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Old August 5th, 2009, 19:39   #2
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Scarbrah, Ontario
Front wire the gearbox and run wire thru the rear sight block is one way

the other way is to leave it rear wired but shorter and feed it to the top near the button, remove the battery tray (stupid TM design) then take the faux bolt rod and wrap some electrotape around it just before where it bends and then slide the spring onto the rod and then put the bolt, this also eliminates the need for the small spring that keeps tension on the rod/button (another stupid TM design) and you will get a nicer bolt sound but you may need to trim some coils off the spring as the bolt may not travel far enough back to allow access to the hopup

I call it the dboys bolt mod
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