Thread: Velocity Arms
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Old June 22nd, 2009, 14:47   #2
Con Murder
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Lethbridge Alberta Canada
Hey just a shout out to "Frank" at velocityarms, thats who I made payment to (might be same dude). Got his JG M4 S-system (A type) from his websight in april. Thing is I sent an EMT in march for his deal in march on that weapon, my internet went down and it took me a week to check my email, turned out I failed with technology once again. Resent emt in april and he gave me marchs deal!!!!
The gun is for my brother and he can never really come out, decided that an upgraded gun would be best as he wont really invest. Then in May he tells me to sight it in and it makes this whirrrrrr.... Twice. Through another websight I no longer frequent, and others I read up and got walked through opening it up and found that the butt plate had been too tight.
I was confident I would identify the problem and repair it, but to reassure me Frank told me he would repair it if I shipped it. Now we didn't talk price or anything but this holds true to how they treated me and six4.
Thanks alot man!
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