IMO, aiming devises are an important purchase, because you will be using them in all firefights. If they are crap, your aim will be crap.
That is true with scopes and RDS.
Before buying one, I suggest you look at reviews.
You want a crisp dot that is not blurry, fuzzy or "star shaped".
You also want it to be ajustable for wind and elevation.
You also want it to have a dimmer on it, to match the light condition.
These 3 elements are the 3 mains things that are important in a RDS. The rest depend on what the user want.
I paid 120$ for my Aimpoint comp2 replica that is laser engraved... IMO the best Aimpoint replica. Still, it's a long shot from the real one. (I tried one and cried...) But it still a very effective sight for CQB and close range outdoor engagements.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne