Originally Posted by Con Murder
Similar to that question (except I'll spend good money on a good sight) any good reflex sights with more than 1x magnification? Oh and how are the red/green eotech 552/553 from ebaybanned and ehobbyasia? Whats the difference? I like those black red/green dots that you can change the retical but my friends got them already and the eotech look soooo sweet!
http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...-14_cat_Scopes is the only one I can think of off the top of my head. Otherwise, you can take any regular red dot and mount a magnifier like
http://www.wgcshop.com/pcart/shopper...3XE_cat_Scopes behind it.
Erennert, check out Huang's Aimpoint M2 clone. Under $50 for a red dot in Canada is pretty slim pickings.