Originally Posted by Con Murder
Similar to that question (except I'll spend good money on a good sight) any good reflex sights with more than 1x magnification? Oh and how are the red/green eotech 552/553 from ebaybanned and ehobbyasia? Whats the difference? I like those black red/green dots that you can change the retical but my friends got them already and the eotech look soooo sweet!
Keep in mind that the Eotech 552 is supposed to be an hollowsight and NOT a red dot. If you want a proper red-dot that match it's real counterpart, look for an Aimpoint. I got 2 Aimpoints and they are good red dots. You can't change the reticule patern or the color, but the point intensity do change, wich is important for CQB/ low light and daylight outdoor use.
Doctor make nice little reddots too.