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Search: Posts Made By: podpharmer
Forum: General November 27th, 2014, 18:29
Replies: 13
Views: 13,059
Posted By podpharmer
I did not make any mention of airsoft or...

I did not make any mention of airsoft or paintball specifically so as not to drag up comments from that "other" thread

I just thought it might be of common interest to some of the members. many...
Forum: General November 27th, 2014, 17:53
Replies: 13
Views: 13,059
Posted By podpharmer
contact you mp's with support for new bill c-637

Mp Robert Sopuck tabled a private members bill to amend low velocity rifle definitions , so if you care about air rifles please show your support for the bill
Forum: General November 26th, 2014, 20:01
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
How many of the people arguing with cam have...

How many of the people arguing with cam have bothered to contact members of government to amend bill C-42????. I will bet you not one. so while they cry for a user ban he is the only one doing...
Forum: General November 25th, 2014, 15:49
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
If you don't like it then why do you keep coming...

If you don't like it then why do you keep coming back other then to complain?

I had posted

and he completely jumped over the part where I clearly stated FOR EXAMPLE because it is a...
Forum: General November 25th, 2014, 11:28
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
Thanks tips, it was just an example of something...

Thanks tips, it was just an example of something that is illegal and not enforced to counter your point that something must be legal because people are not being charged.
Forum: General November 25th, 2014, 00:19
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
police let people go all the time for minor...

police let people go all the time for minor crimes (small amount of weed for example) so by your reasoning weed is legal.

just because they don't charge someone does not mean it is not a crime, it...
Forum: General November 20th, 2014, 18:32
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
while I agree with you that 214 without joule...

while I agree with you that 214 without joule limit is an ambiguous limit let me ask you this

since when did something have to make sense for it to be law?

and anyone that thinks that a...
Forum: General November 19th, 2014, 00:27
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
I am both an ar-15 owner and an ISSF national...

I am both an ar-15 owner and an ISSF national gold/silver medalist so please dont lump us all in the same boat. there are lots good people,and yes lots of retards in anything with that many members...
Forum: General November 18th, 2014, 01:43
Replies: 204
Views: 597,668
Posted By podpharmer
I just came here from cgn and read the whole...

I just came here from cgn and read the whole thread and found it quite informative,

I just wanted to add that some feel that the firearms community would throw the airsoft/paintball community...
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

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