Forum: Doctor's Corner
February 28th, 2015, 04:51
Replies: 11
Views: 5,639
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 29th, 2015, 12:48
Replies: 78
Views: 40,525
One pointer. Invest in good high end face...
One pointer. Invest in good high end face protection gear. If you think youll be running just with a pair of goggles or glasses then buy a good brand that is balistic tested. Dont run around with 5...
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 29th, 2015, 00:36
Replies: 78
Views: 40,525
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 22nd, 2015, 13:50
Replies: 8
Views: 9,269
If youre looking for something else apart from...
If youre looking for something else apart from ur-tactical check they have a really good plate carrier and its fairly cheap. Its the same as the lbt6094 design but at a fraction of the...
Forum: General
January 20th, 2015, 17:33
Replies: 26
Views: 19,501
Forum: General
January 20th, 2015, 17:25
Replies: 26
Views: 19,501
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
January 17th, 2015, 22:59
Replies: 11
Views: 9,360
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 17th, 2015, 19:40
Replies: 6
Views: 10,854
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 21:45
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 21:45
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 16:34
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 14:35
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 12:22
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Ya i was thinking of the loctite soluction but...
Ya i was thinking of the loctite soluction but since the nut thats really close to the inner barrel/outter is pretty close to the nut ill be applying it to, im afraid of locking down the whole system...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 00:20
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 15th, 2015, 00:18
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
I was thinking of getting a piece of aluminum,...
I was thinking of getting a piece of aluminum, threading it on the barrel nut and then drilling the rail onto it but the thing is i need a machine shop to do such a thing. I have no clue who has one...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 14th, 2015, 23:59
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
January 14th, 2015, 23:11
Replies: 18
Views: 14,377
Stripped threads. HELP ME!
Hello everyone, as the title sais, i stripped the threads on my DYTAC URX4 rail system and now it wont stay on my receiver with whatever i do. Im not entirely sure on why or how it stripped because i...
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 9th, 2015, 19:10
Replies: 205
Views: 131,205
Forum: Airsoft Media
January 8th, 2015, 03:42
Replies: 26
Views: 23,117
Indeed its a shame. Especially when half the...
Indeed its a shame. Especially when half the country is under Turkish controll, we as soldiers have shitty equipment to defend oureselfes if god forbid anything happened. I remember once my brother...
Forum: Airsoft Media
January 8th, 2015, 03:12
Replies: 26
Views: 23,117
Forum: Airsoft Media
January 8th, 2015, 01:42
Replies: 26
Views: 23,117
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 4th, 2015, 19:41
Replies: 44
Views: 208,772
Im not arguing anything. Im just having a...
Im not arguing anything. Im just having a conversation. Im not trying to enforce anything to anyone. Sorry if i came out wrong or my words seemed like i was arguing. Im truelly sorry.
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 4th, 2015, 12:55
Replies: 44
Views: 208,772
Yes thats true. As always safety is number 1 to...
Yes thats true. As always safety is number 1 to me and to everyone i play with but for sure a reputable source is much better and 1000 dollar ir light source is better than a 30 dollar ir lazer in it.
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 4th, 2015, 11:52
Replies: 44
Views: 208,772
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 4th, 2015, 11:25
Replies: 44
Views: 208,772
Guys im pretty sure you could modify any of the...
Guys im pretty sure you could modify any of the chinese replica lasers to output .5mw instead of 5mw. A cheap laser diode from ebay that outputs .5mw could be replaced inside instead of the 5mw one...
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 3rd, 2015, 23:52
Replies: 44
Views: 208,772
Guys i think this should be stickied. Its...
Guys i think this should be stickied. Its something a lot of people are interested including myself. Im not in any financial term to buy such a thing but it would be nice to have it standby for when...
Forum: General
January 3rd, 2015, 22:00
Replies: 38
Views: 26,031
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 2nd, 2015, 20:33
Replies: 205
Views: 131,205
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 2nd, 2015, 19:02
Replies: 205
Views: 131,205
Forum: Gear Discussion
January 2nd, 2015, 18:27
Replies: 205
Views: 131,205
Forum: Accessories Discussion
January 2nd, 2015, 18:25
Replies: 11
Views: 11,849
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
January 1st, 2015, 23:38
Replies: 31
Views: 27,774
Forum: Newbie Tank
January 1st, 2015, 23:00
Replies: 18
Views: 18,743
Forum: General
January 1st, 2015, 12:04
Replies: 38
Views: 26,031
Forum: General
January 1st, 2015, 00:42
Replies: 38
Views: 26,031
Forum: General
December 31st, 2014, 22:15
Replies: 38
Views: 26,031
Forum: General
December 31st, 2014, 21:21
Replies: 38
Views: 26,031
Forum: General
December 31st, 2014, 21:05
Replies: 38
Views: 26,031
Guys sorry to scratch up old threads but id...
Guys sorry to scratch up old threads but id wanted to know if anything has changed in 4 years from this thread was created. Im getting a WE M4 soon enough but id like to order a few mags from outside...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
December 30th, 2014, 22:20
Replies: 12
Views: 8,606
Forum: Newbie Tank
December 26th, 2014, 22:22
Replies: 42
Views: 20,837
Btw just an addition. Back in Cyprus playing...
Btw just an addition. Back in Cyprus playing airsoft we made a group and we wanted to name it something. We where thinking of names and a friend came up with task force something which was a real...
Forum: Newbie Tank
December 26th, 2014, 20:53
Replies: 42
Views: 20,837
In my oppinion if you havent served with the...
In my oppinion if you havent served with the respectable unit you chose to use a patch on your gear then its disrespective to the actual team youv used on your gear. I mean patches where used by...
Forum: Airsoft Media
December 26th, 2014, 02:13
Replies: 30
Views: 24,927
Forum: Airsoft Media
December 25th, 2014, 15:48
Replies: 30
Views: 24,927
Forum: General
December 22nd, 2014, 19:04
Replies: 19
Views: 13,608
Forum: General
December 22nd, 2014, 18:22
Replies: 19
Views: 13,608
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
December 20th, 2014, 22:29
Replies: 28
Views: 18,379
I had a g&g combat machine m4 about a year ago...
I had a g&g combat machine m4 about a year ago and something went wrong with it. Me thinking it was a gearbox i tryed opening it. I took all the screws from the motor, took out the motor, removed the...
Forum: Accessories Discussion
December 16th, 2014, 02:25
Replies: 42
Views: 28,992
Guys isnt there lenses that can decrease the...
Guys isnt there lenses that can decrease the intensity or power of certain lasers? Im pretty sure there are since it can be done with flashlights. I know, i know, flashlights arent the same thing as...
Forum: Doctor's Corner
December 12th, 2014, 14:18
Replies: 11
Views: 8,774
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
December 10th, 2014, 15:10
Replies: 8
Views: 7,446
Forum: General
December 8th, 2014, 22:30
Replies: 18
Views: 13,872
If you guys dont mind me saying certain stuff...
If you guys dont mind me saying certain stuff about ShelledPants post is that hes right. There will always be some one that doesnt think and wants to push 400+ fps outta his gun during cqb events. Iv...