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Search: Posts Made By: generichandle
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 1st, 2016, 01:16
Replies: 0
Views: 3,946
Posted By generichandle
suppressor that goes over the outer barrel?

Looking for a suppressor that will fit a 14mm Positive G&P Magpul moe.
I am looking to replace the stock gassblock and find a Mock suppressor that threads from the front or middle so as to slide...
Forum: Newbie Tank January 26th, 2013, 12:56
Replies: 29
Views: 19,324
Posted By generichandle
I would advise that a lot more can be done for...

I would advise that a lot more can be done for accuracy for less money, upgrading your hop up and tuning it will illicit much more profound results than a tight bore, perhaps consider both?
Forum: Newbie Tank January 25th, 2013, 21:04
Replies: 3
Views: 4,548
Posted By generichandle
As far as I've read I believe g&p are one of the...

As far as I've read I believe g&p are one of the only companies to use cw threading.
Be aware that suppressors are merely for esthetics when it comes to airsoft unless your using a gbb and it has...
Forum: Newbie Tank January 25th, 2013, 20:58
Replies: 13
Views: 10,590
Posted By generichandle
Please please please don't put silicone oil in...

Please please please don't put silicone oil in your barrel as a last step for the love of god.
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 7th, 2013, 16:24
Replies: 10
Views: 5,796
Posted By generichandle
I'm also assumeing the metal came from original...

I'm also assumeing the metal came from original production.Agh! You make an excellent point although if that were the case I don't know why using my friends barrel would have alleviated said issue,...
Forum: Doctor's Corner January 7th, 2013, 15:31
Replies: 10
Views: 5,796
Posted By generichandle
I'm incredibly perplexed as to where the piece of...

I'm incredibly perplexed as to where the piece of metal came from as I'm unable to locate any, anywhere else, the one thing I did notice though is that ill need a new inner barrel, it shoots straight...
Forum: Newbie Tank January 6th, 2013, 18:01
Replies: 47
Views: 27,803
Posted By generichandle
Wow this train derailed and took out the whole...

Wow this train derailed and took out the whole village.
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 25th, 2012, 08:57
Replies: 10
Views: 5,796
Posted By generichandle
re- disasembled after the continuation of the...

re- disasembled after the continuation of the issue, it would appear some sort of metal bur, (similar to the type found when machining parts a swirlish thin strand.) was behind not the selector...
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 24th, 2012, 09:54
Replies: 10
Views: 5,796
Posted By generichandle
update** after dis-assembly and reassembly i...

update** after dis-assembly and reassembly i haven't found any obviously bent or warped parts. as long as no pressure is applied to the trigger when its in safe it doesnt get stuck in safe mode...
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 23rd, 2012, 08:09
Replies: 10
Views: 5,796
Posted By generichandle
when i have fiddled with it enough to change the...

when i have fiddled with it enough to change the firing mode, i managed to be able to shoot, shot off about 100 rounds, gearbox sounded fine, and the accuracy wasn't any different than normal i...
Forum: Doctor's Corner December 23rd, 2012, 07:46
Replies: 10
Views: 5,796
Posted By generichandle
selector switch issues after car crash

Hey guys, so my g&p m4 moe was in the trunk of a car when it got into a car crash (tboned and flipped 3 times, please feel no sympathy it was a friend and as they were drunk driving) and now even...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 17th, 2012, 21:54
Replies: 88
Views: 65,938
Posted By generichandle
This... Is precisely what I'm talking about......

This... Is precisely what I'm talking about... I'm beyond a noob; I've never gamed once... And it sounds like It's gearbox is under a retarded amount if stress and dieing a slow painful death... How...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 17th, 2012, 21:27
Replies: 88
Views: 65,938
Posted By generichandle
Aghh ok Im amazed a cqb weapon on a Lipo that...

Aghh ok Im amazed a cqb weapon on a Lipo that size is so slow prototype or not though
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 17th, 2012, 21:18
Replies: 88
Views: 65,938
Posted By generichandle
Is it just me or does the rof in unknown...

Is it just me or does the rof in unknown variable's link sound pathetic, and doesn't the gearbox sound like its pulling a spring intended for a cars suspension...
Forum: Accessories Discussion December 7th, 2012, 07:23
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
Thanks omega and firestorm, ill be purchasing...

Thanks omega and firestorm, ill be purchasing both a stubbie, and an afg! Having previously used neither Idk where my preference will lie!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2012, 20:15
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
If you see my original post I never really wanted...

If you see my original post I never really wanted to change the barrel that's something others brought up that doesn't concern me in the slightest. I appreciate the guidance though, if you don't mind...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2012, 18:58
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
Not that I was even considering upgrading...

Not that I was even considering upgrading that...yet. But Which is more accurate then? Widebore tightbore or just normal Hahaha.. both conflicting concepts make sense... But where's the science!? I...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2012, 17:14
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
Wait so a tightbore barrel doesn't increase...

Wait so a tightbore barrel doesn't increase accuracy? I would have thought having less room to bounce around would naturally increase accuracy. Which is my rationale for getting the bridge tensioner...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2012, 16:19
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
The reason I'm hesitant to upgrade the motor, or...

The reason I'm hesitant to upgrade the motor, or use a 11.1v is I want to prolong gear changing/ purchasing to a mosfet (which my phone tried to autocorrect to midget!)
Until either my trigger...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 6th, 2012, 11:09
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
Already running a 7.4 v Lipo, and the trigger...

Already running a 7.4 v Lipo, and the trigger response is zippy enough as is, the accuracy is actually pretty Damn stellar stock, so I don't forsee a barrel change unless I extend it and run it...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 5th, 2012, 23:31
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
macieka since I'm planning on playing outdoor...

macieka since I'm planning on playing outdoor come spring, does it really not make sense to do all of that listed at once as opposed to waiting till spring, and then installing the accuracy and...
Forum: Accessories Discussion December 5th, 2012, 23:13
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
Hey guys I'm planning on getting cheek risers for...

Hey guys I'm planning on getting cheek risers for the stock, a Moe slingmount for the stock tube, and the vltor front sight, do you think I should grab a afg or a vertical foregrip? Open to all...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 5th, 2012, 22:56
Replies: 23
Views: 29,088
Posted By generichandle
stock g&p m4 first upgrade ideas

Hey so I have a g&p which hasn't been fielded yet due to fps, looking to swap to a m90 to allow winter time indoor cqb goodness. I want to do an initial upgrade along with the new spring, nothing...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 5th, 2012, 19:44
Replies: 22
Views: 13,190
Posted By generichandle this one is plain black, claims to be waterproof, is large enough for two riflea and is 70$ comparable pistol case...
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 30th, 2012, 23:28
Replies: 169
Views: 1,203,533
Posted By generichandle
Awesome thanks man

Awesome thanks man
Forum: Doctor's Corner November 30th, 2012, 22:54
Replies: 169
Views: 1,203,533
Posted By generichandle
Does anyone have the g&p Moe diagram?

Does anyone have the g&p Moe diagram?
Forum: Canadian November 30th, 2012, 20:43
Replies: 27
Views: 22,008
Posted By generichandle

Forum: Accessories Discussion November 21st, 2012, 13:13
Replies: 16
Views: 15,909
Posted By generichandle
I don't know howmany people have to say this......

I don't know howmany people have to say this... It sounds normal.
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 20th, 2012, 19:01
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
Thanks guys I really appreciate the insight!

Thanks guys I really appreciate the insight!
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 20th, 2012, 18:37
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
Wow thanks that's precisely what I'm looking for!...

Wow thanks that's precisely what I'm looking for! How solid is it? Does it mount exactly level and 90 degrees to the barrel? Reason I ask is that mounting a red dot to that would be pretty bad ass,...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 20th, 2012, 18:25
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
Double post

Double post
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 20th, 2012, 18:22
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
Precisely why I want a low profile front iron...

Precisely why I want a low profile front iron sight, so I can avoid the need for such!
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 20th, 2012, 15:25
Replies: 12
Views: 10,059
Posted By generichandle
g&p low profile front sight?

Hey gentlemen, I just purchased a g&p Moe and am looking for a folding front sight to replace the stock one with because I want to slam a scope on her,but would also like to use the iron sights...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 20th, 2012, 15:18
Replies: 11
Views: 14,452
Posted By generichandle
Wowsera what's that grip called!

Wowsera what's that grip called!
Forum: Newbie Tank November 17th, 2012, 17:50
Replies: 20
Views: 10,692
Posted By generichandle
i don't know if you all care but i wound up...

i don't know if you all care but i wound up getting a g&p MOE carbine and my friend who just came to look and wasn't buying a gun wound up getting the cm 040D which the guy at velocity arms HIGHLY...
Forum: Newbie Tank November 15th, 2012, 11:29
Replies: 20
Views: 10,692
Posted By generichandle
Your right I oversimplified that all it is really...

Your right I oversimplified that all it is really is just a quick conversion to the 7.62 but your right it is all the functioning internals that get swapped, but in essence its no different just...
Forum: Newbie Tank November 14th, 2012, 22:37
Replies: 20
Views: 10,692
Posted By generichandle
If you all can't understand drinking at a wake...

If you all can't understand drinking at a wake because of a death in the family on a adult oriented forum I think I'm in the wrong place,thanks for that bit of info though I appreciate the solid...
Forum: Newbie Tank November 14th, 2012, 22:10
Replies: 20
Views: 10,692
Posted By generichandle
Unhappy Your the man, thanks for the amazing feedback I'm...

Your the man, thanks for the amazing feedback I'm too drunk atm to appropriately respond but will get back to this in The am, again thanks for not being a cunt like some other folks.
Forum: Newbie Tank November 14th, 2012, 22:04
Replies: 20
Views: 10,692
Posted By generichandle
In terms of overall expenditure no real budget,...

In terms of overall expenditure no real budget, but I have a hard time justifying spending more than 650 given market prices and the cost of upgrades.... Hope that helps. Thanks for your amazing...
Forum: Newbie Tank November 14th, 2012, 21:06
Replies: 20
Views: 10,692
Posted By generichandle

Wound up getting g&p moe
Showing results 1 to 40 of 40

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