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Search: Posts Made By: Foxer2373
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 5th, 2022, 22:52
Replies: 17
Views: 11,009
Posted By Foxer2373
2007, 2008, 2012 PTW owner Now I use a Z...

2007, 2008, 2012 PTW owner

Now I use a Z built AEG, wouldn’t go back, other than switching cylinders absolutely no upside to the PTW’s over a 2021 proper built AEG.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 12th, 2021, 21:19
Replies: 10
Views: 11,915
Posted By Foxer2373
Buy vortex, fully covered under warranty.

Buy vortex, fully covered under warranty.
Forum: Accessories Discussion August 28th, 2021, 22:55
Replies: 6
Views: 12,791
Posted By Foxer2373
If it’s from China or the US, No retical and no...

If it’s from China or the US, No retical and no picitini…

As started above if your looking at knock off Thermal, can’t help you. Unless your looking at the cheap Torri Pines stuff then just buy...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 21st, 2020, 21:40
Replies: 11
Views: 32,541
Posted By Foxer2373
Unless there are some other models or better...

Unless there are some other models or better pricing, the Avalon’s vs the VR’s are only 50$ difference. And hey 50$ is 50$

I’m still surprised someone hasn’t come out with an amazing Shell with...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 21st, 2020, 13:25
Replies: 11
Views: 32,541
Posted By Foxer2373
That’s a ton guys, Gonna be placing an...

That’s a ton guys,

Gonna be placing an order for a Presto Job sooner or later, seriously looking at the VFC Avalon CQB Mloc I’m tan, looks like a nice rig.

Haha big cash dump coming starting...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 14th, 2020, 12:47
Replies: 11
Views: 32,541
Posted By Foxer2373
Thanks for the update guys! Looked at...

Thanks for the update guys!

Looked at Blitz’s stuff, geeze custom AEG’s went up, I remember 1k all on anything over a ptw was about the max.

Defiantly gonna look into it though as it now makes...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 13th, 2020, 16:07
Replies: 11
Views: 32,541
Posted By Foxer2373
New AEG’s VS Old PTW’s

Alright guys, been out for a long time and looking to get back in... I own a couple PTW’s still that need a tune up to be field ready.

However my question comes as I have no problem spending...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 8th, 2018, 12:46
Replies: 10
Views: 10,508
Posted By Foxer2373
I’m less worried about the Fet but I need the hop...

I’m less worried about the Fet but I need the hop done, gonna be pricey no matter what shipping it down there and back I’m up in Ontario now lol. But hell I’d rather be able to run my ptw than buy a...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 8th, 2018, 11:44
Replies: 10
Views: 10,508
Posted By Foxer2373
Come on someone’s gotta wanna take this on........

Come on someone’s gotta wanna take this on..... pretty please lol.
Forum: Gear Discussion October 3rd, 2018, 17:19
Replies: 11
Views: 15,151
Posted By Foxer2373
Hmm remind me again why snipers go out in teams...

Hmm remind me again why snipers go out in teams of 2-4... o yea so someone can cover you.

Many years of bolt action use and used to run the bolt action course in Edmonton. The chance an SMG will...
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 3rd, 2018, 12:06
Replies: 10
Views: 10,508
Posted By Foxer2373
Lol I believe the whole thing is original 07 with...

Lol I believe the whole thing is original 07 with Tack motor mods. I can try to posts some pics tonight. All my original Systema batteries are toast what should I run it off?
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 3rd, 2018, 08:50
Replies: 10
Views: 10,508
Posted By Foxer2373
Mine a 2007 board if that helps.... still need...

Mine a 2007 board if that helps.... still need the hop up done it is aweful.... damn you Az!!!

Yes motor and Gear box are all good.
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 2nd, 2018, 15:23
Replies: 10
Views: 10,508
Posted By Foxer2373
Ptw Gun Doc needed

Hey Guys, open to Gun docs or shops that can do the work.

Hoping to find someone between Ottawa and Kingston but will ship if needed.

Need battery connectors changed, would love if someone...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 16th, 2018, 21:37
Replies: 5
Views: 10,974
Posted By Foxer2373
There are lots of reviews of their armour on...

There are lots of reviews of their armour on Canadian gun nuts. All USD pricing and pay duty but they ship fast and reviews are decent so far.
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 10th, 2018, 20:24
Replies: 9
Views: 10,722
Posted By Foxer2373
TOm from Ghost gun works reached out to me I will...

TOm from Ghost gun works reached out to me I will most likely be sending it his way.

Thanks for the reply’s, looks like PTW gun docs and owners are slowly disappearing.
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 7th, 2018, 17:58
Replies: 9
Views: 10,722
Posted By Foxer2373
Lol or Canada??? Is there anyone left who works...

Lol or Canada??? Is there anyone left who works on these?
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 2nd, 2018, 16:15
Replies: 9
Views: 10,722
Posted By Foxer2373
Any PTW gun docs Ottawa to Kingston?

Hey there,

Looking to get my PTW tunes up and hop up fixed, damn the Azathoth guy needs to step up his game(jokes).

Looking for anyone who can do that and rewire some batteries.

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 15th, 2015, 16:25
Replies: 75
Views: 37,532
Posted By Foxer2373
Most people lie about what it sold for anyway,...

Most people lie about what it sold for anyway, they don't want to admit how much of a hit they took on their "investment".

I sell all my stuff on consignment at an Airsoft store. Takes away...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 3rd, 2015, 23:40
Replies: 14
Views: 11,770
Posted By Foxer2373
Shipping and taxes blow.... They will not...

Shipping and taxes blow....

They will not ship guns of any kind to individuals they will just tell you who their Canadian suppliers are. Ehobby a new shipping methods are the way to go!
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 30th, 2015, 15:20
Replies: 8
Views: 6,446
Posted By Foxer2373
About the same use as dead batteries you can put...

About the same use as dead batteries you can put them in a sock for hunting dangerous or delicious animals... Other than that I don't even bother selling them for the 5-10$ you would get.
Forum: General June 30th, 2015, 10:01
Replies: 5
Views: 6,333
Posted By Foxer2373
Ya the Russians are using model rocket motors now...

Ya the Russians are using model rocket motors now in their Airsoft launchers.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 27th, 2015, 10:45
Replies: 2
Views: 4,449
Posted By Foxer2373
Half the price of VTG grenades... Might toss in...

Half the price of VTG grenades... Might toss in on it worse case it's $150 and either they come in or not. My only hold back is I think they tried to do to much with it and it may not work as well...
Forum: Reviews June 16th, 2015, 10:23
Replies: 26
Views: 21,923
Posted By Foxer2373
Why did you also post this in multiple sections?...

Why did you also post this in multiple sections? One post is sufficient.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 4th, 2015, 23:49
Replies: 55
Views: 45,812
Posted By Foxer2373
Lol either it's the picture or those are one size...

Lol either it's the picture or those are one size too small. Mine are a nice loose fit, also they get an A+ for the shirts being extra long so you can tuck them in and they never pull out over the...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2015, 15:24
Replies: 55
Views: 45,812
Posted By Foxer2373
I am guessing you have t seen Crocodile in the...

I am guessing you have t seen Crocodile in the flesh, it is 100% tan, it is slightly darker than coyote brown. I wear it with my coyote brown banshee and have no issues.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2015, 15:21
Replies: 55
Views: 45,812
Posted By Foxer2373
The U.S. Sites have OD ask if they can order it...

The U.S. Sites have OD ask if they can order it in for you.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 3rd, 2015, 12:05
Replies: 55
Views: 45,812
Posted By Foxer2373
+1000 I have no affiliation with these guys...


I have no affiliation with these guys but I have bought 95% of my cloths and loadout from them. Prices are fair on most items especially US real steel gear (Team Wendy, Arc'teryx, HSGI)...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 2nd, 2015, 23:52
Replies: 55
Views: 45,812
Posted By Foxer2373
Arc'teryx is amazing, stupid expensive but...

Arc'teryx is amazing, stupid expensive but amazing I own a lot of it. I'll also give them a plug and say DS tactical in Canada are dead on US prices for most items but in CAD the only issue I've ever...
Forum: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures June 2nd, 2015, 02:05
Replies: 11
Views: 30,997
Posted By Foxer2373
I don't see nearly enough grenade/flash...

I don't see nearly enough grenade/flash bang/smoke thrown prior to entry. We practice it constantly. toss, limited prenetration, full dynamic flow through and security setup.
Forum: Gear Discussion May 30th, 2015, 22:59
Replies: 46
Views: 27,944
Posted By Foxer2373
I love my ear bone ear piece and PTT I can't...

I love my ear bone ear piece and PTT I can't remember the Canadian website I got it from but it was 180 for the set and it has the kenwood 2 plug option. Never had better comms in 10 years. Won't go...
Forum: Airsoft Media May 30th, 2015, 21:50
Replies: 464
Views: 754,173
Posted By Foxer2373
Has not arrived but just bought an action army...

Has not arrived but just bought an action army AAC-21 gas bolty... Looking forward to upgrading the stock, adding a silencer and tossing in my Vortex 3x9 scope. After that will test out the...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 28th, 2015, 16:47
Replies: 49
Views: 28,375
Posted By Foxer2373
If someone has a working upgraded one find out...

If someone has a working upgraded one find out exactly what they did because a certain Overseas retailer attempted to upgrade it for North America and in doing so broke 4 rifles completely before...
Forum: Reviews May 28th, 2015, 12:01
Replies: 46
Views: 73,734
Posted By Foxer2373
Do they work in the larger gas mags for example...

Do they work in the larger gas mags for example kjw m700 gas mags? Lol I run Co2 for all my pistols.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 27th, 2015, 03:02
Replies: 7
Views: 22,769
Posted By Foxer2373
Exept you can't get mags anymore..... Sniffle.

Exept you can't get mags anymore..... Sniffle.
Forum: General May 25th, 2015, 11:29
Replies: 55
Views: 37,113
Posted By Foxer2373
The system works.....

The system works.....
Forum: Newbie Tank May 25th, 2015, 02:45
Replies: 49
Views: 28,375
Posted By Foxer2373
But if you ask me what is the best motorcycle to...

But if you ask me what is the best motorcycle to move a sheet of plywood, I'm gonna tell you to buy a ***** truck....
Forum: General May 24th, 2015, 21:49
Replies: 55
Views: 37,113
Posted By Foxer2373
Not to worry this internet thing is a fad I...

Not to worry this internet thing is a fad I expect it to go away any day now, then all your issues will become non issues.
Forum: Newbie Tank May 24th, 2015, 21:15
Replies: 49
Views: 28,375
Posted By Foxer2373
Can't believe no one has said it, the PTW does...

Can't believe no one has said it, the PTW does none of those things.... The only thing it does is stop fire ring when mags are dry (90% don't anyway) and has the "bolt release" and all that does is...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 21st, 2015, 13:24
Replies: 7
Views: 22,769
Posted By Foxer2373
Compatible is very subjective, I know for a fact...

Compatible is very subjective, I know for a fact it will accept "some" vsr10 parts but it is not the exact same as the fit in a vsr10. Also there are propriety parts in the m40 that can't be upgraded...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 20th, 2015, 21:04
Replies: 13
Views: 10,060
Posted By Foxer2373
A PEQ box is not a battery holder it is a light...

A PEQ box is not a battery holder it is a light and laser combo that attached to your picattini rail (not stock). People who have front wired AEG's and don't want to run a standard m4 rail that...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 17th, 2015, 23:23
Replies: 26
Views: 18,771
Posted By Foxer2373
I've owned a few dMR's TM M14 SR25 upgraded...

I've owned a few dMR's
TM M14
SR25 upgraded to the nuts (don't reccomend parts are a bitch to find
G&P custom built mk18 with real steal 1-4x

Yet my systema TW5 with 7.5" barrel outranged them...
Forum: General May 17th, 2015, 15:32
Replies: 7
Views: 7,326
Posted By Foxer2373
Real step one.... Get age verified...

Real step one.... Get age verified...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 17th, 2015, 15:31
Replies: 26
Views: 18,771
Posted By Foxer2373
Hence I said real steel if your using a flip to...

Hence I said real steel if your using a flip to side ; )

Haha and see all my other posts the only optics I use for Airsoft is Vortex because of glass quality and warrenty.
Forum: Newbie Tank May 17th, 2015, 15:11
Replies: 26
Views: 18,771
Posted By Foxer2373
-If you are not spending the money and no offense...

-If you are not spending the money and no offense but the brands your mentioning means your not. Do not buy a magnifier unless it's real steel.

-100% agree DMR is a look nothing to do with barrel...
Forum: Accessories Discussion May 15th, 2015, 14:36
Replies: 24
Views: 16,065
Posted By Foxer2373
The problem is yours mags are not strong enough...

The problem is yours mags are not strong enough to lift the 0.43g bb's. Also hop up can cause a problem if it can't lift that weight.

Non bio fields nothing feeds better or shoots further and...
Forum: Accessories Discussion May 13th, 2015, 20:29
Replies: 2
Views: 5,748
Posted By Foxer2373
Just email scope and lawyer and ask he will tell...

Just email scope and lawyer and ask he will tell you. I built my entire SR 25 from scope and laser parts exept for my PSG1 flash hider and custome FAB defense stock. He was a big help with knowing...
Forum: General May 13th, 2015, 14:11
Replies: 3
Views: 5,119
Posted By Foxer2373
You suck, had to make it on my birthday and I...

You suck, had to make it on my birthday and I will be in Banff
Forum: Newbie Tank April 20th, 2015, 21:35
Replies: 17
Views: 15,479
Posted By Foxer2373
Lol I think you missed the part where he said...

Lol I think you missed the part where he said $250 or less LOL, my barrel and hopup in my ptw was $350 and vfc haven't seen one even used under $400 lately.

For your price range you are very...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 16th, 2015, 10:08
Replies: 21
Views: 18,559
Posted By Foxer2373
If you can't afford a Systema PTW don't buy a...

If you can't afford a Systema PTW don't buy a Celsius or A&K knockoff. Go with the WE katana that can be easily upgraded and maintained while you sacrifice in areas it is the cheaper route.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 16th, 2015, 06:43
Replies: 21
Views: 18,559
Posted By Foxer2373
Wes also works on his gun weekly and fine tunes...

Wes also works on his gun weekly and fine tunes tunes it constantly. He also has an area to test fire it as he is working so week in and week out he has a high performance gun consistently. Not the...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 139

Airsoft Canada

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