Forum: Airsoft Media
March 6th, 2013, 02:17
Replies: 165
Views: 131,623
Forum: Airsoft Media
March 5th, 2013, 20:04
Replies: 165
Views: 131,623
Forum: Airsoft Media
February 18th, 2013, 02:23
Replies: 165
Views: 131,623
Forum: Airsoft Media
October 22nd, 2012, 09:02
Replies: 165
Views: 131,623
Forum: Airsoft Media
November 19th, 2010, 09:33
Replies: 165
Views: 131,623
for urban operations I used a Canon...
for urban operations I used a Canon 5D with a canon 17-35 2.8. And one Canon 7D with mostly the 70-200 2.8 IS for still photo and a 50mm 2.5 makro for video. And also a gopro hero HD
Forum: Airsoft Media
November 19th, 2010, 06:58
Replies: 165
Views: 131,623
The link to picasa for Urban Operations was...
The link to picasa for Urban Operations was mainly for downloading pictures, not for viewing. For that the pictureslide is better: