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Search: Posts Made By: Sanox
Forum: General February 14th, 2010, 12:13
Replies: 38
Views: 25,956
Posted By Sanox
Hehe yea man, after I bought the car suddenly all...

Hehe yea man, after I bought the car suddenly all my expenses were directed to it! :banghead:
Forum: General February 9th, 2010, 18:47
Replies: 38
Views: 25,956
Posted By Sanox
Wow, haven't been on for a long time, Defcon sure...

Wow, haven't been on for a long time, Defcon sure changed from last time I played there which was a few hundred years ago... at the least... Looks very nice.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 13th, 2008, 17:42
Replies: 33
Views: 20,199
Posted By Sanox
The mags have feeding issues or something as far...

The mags have feeding issues or something as far as I remember.
Forum: General September 27th, 2008, 11:16
Replies: 10
Views: 14,981
Posted By Sanox
Letters aren't big enough, and not noticable...

Letters aren't big enough, and not noticable enough, change size to 40 and make them flash, they'll be noticable then.
Forum: General September 27th, 2008, 10:56
Replies: 21
Views: 15,532
Posted By Sanox
The Kraken MP5 you say? I think it's a pretty tacticool gun...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 6th, 2008, 17:44
Replies: 33
Views: 22,863
Posted By Sanox

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 20th, 2008, 22:52
Replies: 8
Views: 7,716
Posted By Sanox
Yea make an IRC channel if it doesn't exist yet.

Yea make an IRC channel if it doesn't exist yet.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 20th, 2008, 13:51
Replies: 6
Views: 4,892
Posted By Sanox
I dont own one but are you sure you didn't drop...

I dont own one but are you sure you didn't drop some screw or pin or anything like that? My MP5 front sight comes off but to make it hold there's a little pin that wasnt even secured, it would fall...
Forum: General August 20th, 2008, 00:04
Replies: 15
Views: 14,244
Posted By Sanox
From distance it makes you look like an mspaint...

From distance it makes you look like an mspaint drawn hobo.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 19th, 2008, 23:54
Replies: 38
Views: 24,079
Posted By Sanox
My MP5 is about 14 inches collapsed and 2 feet...

My MP5 is about 14 inches collapsed and 2 feet erect.... err... I mean extended, it's not thet size that matters, it's how many people you can take down with it.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 18th, 2008, 18:23
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
As long as you tell me in advance so I can...

As long as you tell me in advance so I can pretend you're a female.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 18th, 2008, 18:09
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
I cut out a little bullet shaped (sort of) part...

I cut out a little bullet shaped (sort of) part out of the electrical tape. I'd go crazy with a fine brush, my hands aren't that steady :D

And as for this belonging in the media section I guess...
Forum: General August 17th, 2008, 21:40
Replies: 42
Views: 20,631
Posted By Sanox
No new content sounds like a reason to remove...

No new content sounds like a reason to remove from sticky, but not delete. Let the thread go down like the sold threads and such.

I like to think that Candlejack has better things to do tha-
Forum: General August 17th, 2008, 21:05
Replies: 42
Views: 20,631
Posted By Sanox
Well from what I heard mopic had comm problems...

Well from what I heard mopic had comm problems and alot of people got pissed. I don't know what LeGROS did though...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 17th, 2008, 20:01
Replies: 26
Views: 18,964
Posted By Sanox
1. Patience. 2. I bought the lycaon, it came...

1. Patience.
2. I bought the lycaon, it came from the U.S. clear and green so either I got lucky or it's perfectly legal.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 17th, 2008, 15:12
Replies: 17
Views: 11,961
Posted By Sanox
Maybe he just got a crappy quality one... They're...

Maybe he just got a crappy quality one... They're made in China as far as I know so it's not that surprising that atleast 1/10 will be shit.

It's generaly the same, just different colour.
Forum: General August 15th, 2008, 18:12
Replies: 17
Views: 12,895
Posted By Sanox
Try putting magnets on your hard drive, it helps...

Try putting magnets on your hard drive, it helps the heads with detaching from the disks to help it read from different sectors faster.
Forum: General August 15th, 2008, 17:01
Replies: 17
Views: 12,895
Posted By Sanox
... Yea that should just about do it.

... Yea that should just about do it.
Forum: General August 15th, 2008, 16:36
Replies: 17
Views: 12,895
Posted By Sanox
Go on main page and read before last news post,...

Go on main page and read before last news post, to keep it organized you can't reply anymore. Only PM.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 02:20
Replies: 29
Views: 49,819
Posted By Sanox
lol that's awesome but it's usefulness is a step...

lol that's awesome but it's usefulness is a step below the common springer in the field.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 01:45
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
Nice, good luck with that. I bought this gun...

Nice, good luck with that. I bought this gun mainly to learn, experiment and upgrade, never expected it to be good out the box.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 01:39
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
I bought this one online for the Bass Pro closest...

I bought this one online for the Bass Pro closest to me didn't have the Lycaon, only the Kraken and some other crap that was gravity fed. This one's shipped from US from their site.

OK heres what...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 01:26
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
I always thought the open box symbolizes...

I always thought the open box symbolizes continuation. A semi has a closed box and one bullet in it symbolizing only on shot at a time, the burst one I saw somewhere symbolizes three shots in one...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 01:13
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
Not exactly, I took electrical tape and cut out...

Not exactly, I took electrical tape and cut out peices of it to make the lines, for example I cut out a small rectange to put in the middle of where "safe" would be, then put more electrical tape...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 01:06
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
Heh, thanks for the positive comments, you guys...

Heh, thanks for the positive comments, you guys made my day! err.. night... And yea I just didn't take a pic of the body alone, not sure why, decided to show the clear body with the rest painted to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2008, 00:59
Replies: 27
Views: 24,318
Posted By Sanox
Aftermath Lycaon MP5 painted *56k you know the drill*

Was bored, so I decided to paint my clear Lycaon that I got from Bass Pro. The original one was:
1. Clear
2. Green
3. Had "safe" "semi" "auto" or something written on it instead of the traditional...
Forum: Reviews August 13th, 2008, 14:48
Replies: 399
Views: 493,560
Posted By Sanox
Yea... coke is a hell of a drug...

Yea... coke is a hell of a drug...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 12th, 2008, 21:59
Replies: 13
Views: 10,901
Posted By Sanox
I think it's a good gun, after you run out of...

I think it's a good gun, after you run out of your 6 shots you grab by the silencer and charge!
Forum: General August 12th, 2008, 21:34
Replies: 80
Views: 51,217
Posted By Sanox
Probably to check if it shoots over 500 fps but...

Probably to check if it shoots over 500 fps but don't quote me on that.

Or whatever the fps limit before it classifies as can cause damage.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 12th, 2008, 12:51
Replies: 26
Views: 18,563
Posted By Sanox
Well non of these are in Canada so chances are...

Well non of these are in Canada so chances are they will never even reach you if you do buy them, and there will be no refund. You'll have more luck with getting verified and looking at the...
Forum: General August 11th, 2008, 18:45
Replies: 59
Views: 32,641
Posted By Sanox
Looks pretty damn sweet! Now, I'm guessing the...

Looks pretty damn sweet! Now, I'm guessing the sand will be spread across the floor mirite? Any news about cover like what was at A51? I'm talking about the truck/spaceship/2 floor thing.
Forum: General August 11th, 2008, 14:02
Replies: 59
Views: 32,641
Posted By Sanox
I'm tent as well and could provide transportation...

I'm tent as well and could provide transportation to people in the Vaughan (specificaly Rutherford and Dufferin) area such as Ancorp who lives in my area, if interested.
Forum: General August 10th, 2008, 19:26
Replies: 20
Views: 21,032
Posted By Sanox
That's pretty solid, every time you get shot at...

That's pretty solid, every time you get shot at you get to throw a 1+ D6 die to see if you get hit.
Forum: General August 10th, 2008, 18:43
Replies: 20
Views: 21,032
Posted By Sanox
Your thread description isn't very useful... I...

Your thread description isn't very useful... I can tell you how to build a box that will keep bbs out but you'll keep on saying you want something better. Unless you have a design no one will even...
Forum: General August 7th, 2008, 17:06
Replies: 36
Views: 21,414
Posted By Sanox
So what's with the guy? Moar details plox, was he...

So what's with the guy? Moar details plox, was he a neighbour? Some one you know? Your bro's friend? Some sexy stranger that offered candy?
Forum: General August 7th, 2008, 17:01
Replies: 36
Views: 21,414
Posted By Sanox
His friend had safety training? How old is he? Is...

His friend had safety training? How old is he? Is he another 12 year old that has 4 years of millitary training and law enforcement expirience? Is he small arms certified by any chance?
Forum: General August 7th, 2008, 10:42
Replies: 73
Views: 26,766
Posted By Sanox
Done done done done done. Interesting survey, but...

Done done done done done. Interesting survey, but the clearsoft question should havea a maybe option other than yes and no.
Forum: General August 7th, 2008, 00:10
Replies: 7
Views: 7,295
Posted By Sanox
It'd need to be covered pretty tightly, I used a...

It'd need to be covered pretty tightly, I used a green glowstick in near complete darkness and it was pretty hard covering it up so it wont glow, would be a give away if even a tiny sliver of light...
Forum: General August 6th, 2008, 18:46
Replies: 18
Views: 10,432
Posted By Sanox
It happened to me to for about a month now, maybe...

It happened to me to for about a month now, maybe a week less, I figured it's the overflow of kids under 18 who want to know where can they buy a good gun from US for under 20 dollars.
Forum: General August 4th, 2008, 13:06
Replies: 15
Views: 12,462
Posted By Sanox
Headshots should be allowed to be treated with...

Headshots should be allowed to be treated with CPR. Worked for Sarg. from Red vs. Blue :D.

Another adition that could be nice is give the medics some rubbing alcohol and cotton balls incase one of...
Forum: General July 30th, 2008, 20:44
Replies: 89
Views: 59,566
Posted By Sanox
1. It's the guy's brother or friend, in one of...

1. It's the guy's brother or friend, in one of the videos a recochet BB flew in his eye (unless I'm confusing with another video) and the cam man pointed it at himself, 17 at most.

2. Wouldn't it...
Forum: General July 30th, 2008, 11:33
Replies: 89
Views: 59,566
Posted By Sanox
Played cops without any guns, just these plastic...

Played cops without any guns, just these plastic hand cuffs, couldn't afford any kind of gun/ was too lazy to buy.

Didn't paint a single gun that I had once I could afford some.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 29th, 2008, 11:39
Replies: 16
Views: 10,903
Posted By Sanox
Styrofoam ftw, protects everything!
Forum: General July 29th, 2008, 10:38
Replies: 13
Views: 11,087
Posted By Sanox
Heh instantly thought it's the Halo pistol,...

Heh instantly thought it's the Halo pistol, pretty cool prop. How heavy is it? If it's not too heavy I don't see why it shouldn't pass customs.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 29th, 2008, 09:02
Replies: 21
Views: 13,846
Posted By Sanox
Well when you say it like that yea it's weird but...

Well when you say it like that yea it's weird but think about the differences and requirements of owning a car and flying.
Forum: General July 29th, 2008, 07:50
Replies: 89
Views: 59,566
Posted By Sanox
Only difference is people seem to remember the...

Only difference is people seem to remember the dude so... coincidence.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 29th, 2008, 00:29
Replies: 21
Views: 13,846
Posted By Sanox
Noted and editted.

Noted and editted.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 29th, 2008, 00:06
Replies: 21
Views: 13,846
Posted By Sanox
Canadian Alcohol: 19 Quebecian Alcohol: 18

Canadian Alcohol: 19
Quebecian Alcohol: 18
Forum: General July 28th, 2008, 23:49
Replies: 89
Views: 59,566
Posted By Sanox
Shouldv'e lifted him and dropped him on one knee...

Shouldv'e lifted him and dropped him on one knee and when his parents came yell "FATALITY!!!", I would bow before any person that did that.

But still I guess your method was good too.

Was it a...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 28th, 2008, 23:35
Replies: 21
Views: 13,846
Posted By Sanox
There are but it all depends on how open you are...

There are but it all depends on how open you are to new things... so just how "open minded" are you? Are you willing to "experiment" for some airsoft guns?

Showing results 1 to 50 of 87

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