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Search: Posts Made By: Deejay2401
Forum: Newbie Tank July 18th, 2015, 21:49
Replies: 20
Views: 15,091
Posted By Deejay2401
Agreed with everyone else. Don't bother with a...

Agreed with everyone else. Don't bother with a revolver unless you really want it and don't care that you'll be effectively useless on the field. Get yourself something simple that you like at first,...
Forum: Reviews July 17th, 2015, 04:25
Replies: 0
Views: 5,219
Posted By Deejay2401

I'm looking to pick up a few parts for various WE guns, and was pointed towards Evike and by the WE customer service guys. I've dealt with Evike and their outrageous shipping costs, so...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 16th, 2015, 16:33
Replies: 11
Views: 15,157
Posted By Deejay2401
Whoa, damn. Didn't think one so pretty would be...

Whoa, damn. Didn't think one so pretty would be so "cheap." Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep those options in mind.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 16th, 2015, 16:27
Replies: 11
Views: 15,157
Posted By Deejay2401
I was actually just looking at that. Wondering if...

I was actually just looking at that. Wondering if it'd be WE compatible. If not, how much work it'd take. For the price, that's not a bad option, if it's workable.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 16th, 2015, 15:54
Replies: 11
Views: 15,157
Posted By Deejay2401
At this point, the only parts I'm looking for now...

At this point, the only parts I'm looking for now are the actual slide itself, and the fire selector detent pin and spring.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 16th, 2015, 15:53
Replies: 6
Views: 10,286
Posted By Deejay2401
If there are any parts you're wondering if they'd...

If there are any parts you're wondering if they'd be close enough to modify to fit, give me a shout. I can take pictures of whatever stock WE G18 parts you're wondering about and post them so you can...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 16th, 2015, 14:40
Replies: 7
Views: 8,226
Posted By Deejay2401
As far as I've seen, all the aftermarket slides...

As far as I've seen, all the aftermarket slides I've seen are far outside the price range I'd be looking to pay. I just need a replacement stock slide, as this one is chipped below the selector, as...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 16th, 2015, 02:34
Replies: 7
Views: 8,226
Posted By Deejay2401
Update on the situations - I've got myself a...

Update on the situations - I've got myself a DIFFERENT Glock now, and I'm looking for a new WE G18C slide and detent. Anyone know where I can grab these from the same place, or have them kicking...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:52
Replies: 24
Views: 17,589
Posted By Deejay2401
+1 to both KJW M9s and WE Glocks. I've been...

+1 to both KJW M9s and WE Glocks.

I've been told everything about the WE glocks has been great as of late, and am actively looking for one myself.

The KJW M9s are amazing workhorses. I had one,...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:49
Replies: 495
Views: 502,485
Posted By Deejay2401
I was never really a fan of these, it seemed like...

I was never really a fan of these, it seemed like it'd feel a little small and light in my hands. However, as of late, I find myself drawn to them more. Never realized how customizable they are,...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:46
Replies: 34
Views: 22,767
Posted By Deejay2401
Holy hell. That looks amazing. I miss my G39.... ...

Holy hell. That looks amazing. I miss my G39....

THIS. Can't TELL you how much I want a gas SL8. Nevermind my M16 DMR, I'd take the SL8 in an instant.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:41
Replies: 67
Views: 71,299
Posted By Deejay2401
Honestly, with everyone saying to just get a real...

Honestly, with everyone saying to just get a real steel firearm instead of airsoft, I'd agree, but wouldn't put you down for going for airsoft first or instead of. It's not going to necessarily...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:36
Replies: 15
Views: 11,172
Posted By Deejay2401
I actually don't necessarily agree with the whole...

I actually don't necessarily agree with the whole "get TM" stuff everyone throws around. I've had TM, KJW, and WE 1911 types, and I actually love my current WE one most.

Honestly, I think it's...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 9th, 2015, 01:33
Replies: 16
Views: 13,626
Posted By Deejay2401
AR-15 Garand? I'd love the iconic "ping" sound,...

AR-15 Garand? I'd love the iconic "ping" sound, but agreed, nobody likes lost mags. Neat, but cons outweigh the pros to me.
Forum: Airsoft Media July 8th, 2015, 21:02
Replies: 608
Views: 736,962
Posted By Deejay2401
Man, I gotta say, I'm diggin' the tan and digital...

Man, I gotta say, I'm diggin' the tan and digital grips. I run a tan rig too, and that'd go nicely.

And then there's... yeah... I need a cold shower. Love the gold and black, thinking I might...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 8th, 2015, 03:38
Replies: 7
Views: 8,226
Posted By Deejay2401
Yeah, I've been doing research into which TM...

Yeah, I've been doing research into which TM parts will fit the WE. Most of the ones I need are the internal firing mechanism, and unfortunately, it looks like most of it is different from TM....
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 7th, 2015, 20:15
Replies: 7
Views: 8,226
Posted By Deejay2401
Exclamation WE Glock parts

Hey all. Wondering if anyone knows good places to get either replacement or upgraded internal parts for a WE Glock 18C. I talked to WE and they pointed me to Evike, but from personal experience,...
Forum: General July 3rd, 2015, 00:03
Replies: 12
Views: 12,638
Posted By Deejay2401
Honestly? Contact WE. I've been in touch with...

Honestly? Contact WE. I've been in touch with them to get replacement parts for a G18C, they seem quick to respond and very friendly. I'd at least give it a shot. Evike is a bitch for shipping and...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 2nd, 2015, 23:17
Replies: 16
Views: 16,032
Posted By Deejay2401
I'm gonna be the usual guy and say to get AV'd as...

I'm gonna be the usual guy and say to get AV'd as a start.

Then, go to a local shop, fondle some guns, and pick one you like....

... then go home and look for one on the classifieds. You can...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 2nd, 2015, 23:15
Replies: 26
Views: 18,771
Posted By Deejay2401
... wut. Long story short, a laser is a...

... wut.

Long story short, a laser is a personal preference like a lot of other things, but I wouldn't bother with it on a DMR. I have one on my M4 because I use it in CQB, where a laser can...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 2nd, 2015, 23:09
Replies: 28
Views: 21,834
Posted By Deejay2401
I'm insanely jealous of you guys with dedicated...

I'm insanely jealous of you guys with dedicated airsoft armories. Ask Siggypoo, he'd vouch for us both being the kind of guys where - coin permitting - we'd have rooms set up like the armory in Kick...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 2nd, 2015, 22:16
Replies: 5
Views: 7,983
Posted By Deejay2401
I would say if at all possible, a full face mask...

I would say if at all possible, a full face mask or good goggles and a half face shield. No one likes face welts.
Forum: Newbie Tank July 2nd, 2015, 17:42
Replies: 28
Views: 21,834
Posted By Deejay2401
I do the same. Rifles in gear bags or large...

I do the same. Rifles in gear bags or large duffels under the bed/in the closet, pistols and my MP7 in cases in my bedside cabinet.

I'm the same. I live with someone very against weapons, and...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:54
Replies: 43
Views: 19,019
Posted By Deejay2401
... Is it terrible that this makes me way more...

... Is it terrible that this makes me way more excited to pick up a couple tornados?

In all seriousness, I'm glad no one was hurt. Huge respect to MadMax for offering to reimburse for shipping and...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:46
Replies: 22
Views: 11,756
Posted By Deejay2401
I'm just going to warn you, when you strip it...

I'm just going to warn you, when you strip it down to clean it out, check the bolt. I had a Maruzen MP5K and the bolt had broken because of a stupid design that makes it absolutely impossible to use...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:41
Replies: 114
Views: 103,521
Posted By Deejay2401
I could see these as being pretty neat for...

I could see these as being pretty neat for milsim. Just for the realism factor, but I'm already satisfied with most of my GBBRs. Hell, with a firepig, my M16A3 sounds like a bloody cannon.

As for...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:37
Replies: 14
Views: 8,712
Posted By Deejay2401
I'll add my +1 to keeping the money in the...

I'll add my +1 to keeping the money in the Canadian market. I've bought from Toronto Airsoft as well as Hero Army Surplus, and they've both done top notch by me.

Benefit to buying in Canada -...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:26
Replies: 10
Views: 15,800
Posted By Deejay2401
I know tons of guys absolutely love their P90s....

I know tons of guys absolutely love their P90s. I've had an MP5K, had a G36c and currently have an MP7A1 and a KAC PDW. Mine are all gas, but the idea of size is still there. The G36 is larger than a...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:23
Replies: 10
Views: 7,369
Posted By Deejay2401
Best idea is to get age verified and get...

Best idea is to get age verified and get something possibly better and probably cheaper from our community.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:21
Replies: 19
Views: 12,753
Posted By Deejay2401
I've got one, and had another before the one I've...

I've got one, and had another before the one I've got now. No problems with gas efficiency. Sounds like you've got a problem. If it's properly lubed and cleaned, nothing hindering slide/piston...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 2nd, 2015, 00:05
Replies: 23
Views: 14,230
Posted By Deejay2401
Far as I know about AEGs, TM is a good brand....

Far as I know about AEGs, TM is a good brand. Personally, I only use GBB guns, but I'm curious; how's the blowback on the EBBR?
Forum: General June 30th, 2015, 11:00
Replies: 23
Views: 25,344
Posted By Deejay2401
Best advice I can give besides what everyone else...

Best advice I can give besides what everyone else says (spend the extra on good eyepro and a good gun, and try someone else's before you buy to know you like it and it fits with your body/play style)...
Forum: General June 27th, 2015, 18:13
Replies: 7
Views: 7,326
Posted By Deejay2401
I didn't mean that being AV'd would get him...

I didn't mean that being AV'd would get him sources. I meant it would open up the full site/community to him, as he'd have access to everything. Could be more for research, plus enables him to...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 27th, 2015, 03:53
Replies: 14
Views: 12,663
Posted By Deejay2401
I know I'm way late, but holy shit I love your...

I know I'm way late, but holy shit I love your Serenity patch, man. Where in the HELL is that from?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 27th, 2015, 03:51
Replies: 21
Views: 20,517
Posted By Deejay2401
Just want to put in my two cents. Used to work in...

Just want to put in my two cents. Used to work in a specialty pet food store, and loved having customers come in with their pets. My favorite was actually a working dog that was apparently through a...
Forum: General June 27th, 2015, 02:39
Replies: 9
Views: 10,831
Posted By Deejay2401
Honestly, if it's just LEDs, then I wouldn't...

Honestly, if it's just LEDs, then I wouldn't worry about ignition. I dunno about having it powered by a PEQ box though, I'd rather a smaller power source (though I know that's hard to manage, plus...
Forum: General June 27th, 2015, 02:21
Replies: 12
Views: 10,227
Posted By Deejay2401
I'm still relatively new in terms of know-how. As...

I'm still relatively new in terms of know-how. As said, I've learned most of what I know from reading through tons of threads here on the forums and asking questions in person. I couldn't count the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 6th, 2015, 16:10
Replies: 11
Views: 15,157
Posted By Deejay2401
Yeah, everyone says that TM and WE are cross...

Yeah, everyone says that TM and WE are cross compatible, but there seem to be little differences here and there - both in terms of the full-auto G series we're working on, as well as a few guns I've...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 22nd, 2015, 04:07
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,678
Posted By Deejay2401
I can only imagine how wrong this could go. Dump...

I can only imagine how wrong this could go. Dump pouch? Too soon??
This is my rig. Condor XPC with a MOLLE backpack/hydration...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 19th, 2015, 22:40
Replies: 18
Views: 10,928
Posted By Deejay2401
Couldn't agree more. I'm not one for AEGs simply...

Couldn't agree more. I'm not one for AEGs simply because the first time I picked up a GBBR and felt the kick, that was it for the sewing machines for me, lol. You just want to play around, so...
Forum: General May 17th, 2015, 19:54
Replies: 18
Views: 14,349
Posted By Deejay2401
Too bad. I'd love to attend something like that....

Too bad. I'd love to attend something like that. I've got guns to lend to friends that'd love to come along, too.
Forum: General May 17th, 2015, 19:51
Replies: 7
Views: 7,326
Posted By Deejay2401
1) Get AV'd. 2) Get yourself a foothold in the...

1) Get AV'd.
2) Get yourself a foothold in the community.
3) ????
4) Still no profit?

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 17th, 2015, 19:50
Replies: 38
Views: 18,639
Posted By Deejay2401
I've got a couple SG Punisher 1911's, six mags,...

I've got a couple SG Punisher 1911's, six mags, and they all work decently well. Depending on temperature and how fast I fire (I tend to double tap), I can get a full mag of BBs out with a fill on...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 17th, 2015, 19:48
Replies: 42
Views: 34,918
Posted By Deejay2401
They look awesome, and it'd be a lot of fun to...

They look awesome, and it'd be a lot of fun to muck around with, but the memory of constantly picking up shells for my good ol' UHC Super 9 haunts me.

Ask Siggypoo, the bastard still has it....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 17th, 2015, 19:46
Replies: 41
Views: 49,330
Posted By Deejay2401
Oh god, seeing someone with one of these with a...

Oh god, seeing someone with one of these with a drum mag would make me groan and forfeit in advance in CQB.

Hear, hear! I'd love a 1014..
Forum: Newbie Tank May 17th, 2015, 19:20
Replies: 26
Views: 18,771
Posted By Deejay2401
I agree entirely. My DMR is pretty long, like a...

I agree entirely. My DMR is pretty long, like a 24" barrel. With a 15" rail system - even a keymod - it's pretty hefty too. This means you're not going to be swinging it around like you would...
Forum: Newbie Tank May 17th, 2015, 14:08
Replies: 26
Views: 18,771
Posted By Deejay2401
I know you don't like the M16s, and mine is, but...

I know you don't like the M16s, and mine is, but to chime in, I use both a 4x32 scope and an aimpoint M2 with a FTS 3x magnifier, depending on the game. The scope is good for range (keeping in mind...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 17th, 2015, 14:05
Replies: 17
Views: 13,435
Posted By Deejay2401
I've had several KJW handguns, and they've all...

I've had several KJW handguns, and they've all been the metal lowers, not the cansoft smoked frames. I don't think they're aluminum or have steel internals, but all the same, they DO hold up...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 16th, 2015, 21:36
Replies: 0
Views: 2,559
Posted By Deejay2401
WE PDW Versions

I'm picking up a WE PDW GBBR from a seller here, and I had one before, but had to let it go due to financial constraints. I've noticed everywhere that retailers have "new version" marked for theirs,...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 21st, 2015, 03:27
Replies: 1
Views: 3,896
Posted By Deejay2401
Question Maruzen MP5K compatibility

Hey guys. Just picked up a Maruzen NP5A4 Kurz, and need to replace the bolt carrier. I think a previous owner tried to use green gas/propane, and the ring that holds the return spring broke. I've...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 62

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