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Search: Posts Made By: Denver Keith
Forum: Doctor's Corner September 1st, 2008, 01:50
Replies: 5
Views: 4,333
Posted By Denver Keith
Aside from the stock hi-cap, the other mags I...

Aside from the stock hi-cap, the other mags I used were milled to fit a KWA M4 specifically. Might need to do a bit of grinding on your mags.
Forum: Airsoft Media August 1st, 2008, 01:54
Replies: 26
Views: 14,306
Posted By Denver Keith
Hey Sklad, you still need that sling swivel? I...

Hey Sklad, you still need that sling swivel? I found it hanging around, obs I don't need it. :P PM me
Forum: General August 1st, 2008, 01:47
Replies: 15
Views: 12,381
Posted By Denver Keith
Looks and sounds awesome. Until you try...

Looks and sounds awesome.

Until you try taking it to a milsim - see how cool you look while getting lit up cuz your custom Browning MG fires 4 bb's per second.
Forum: Airsoft Media July 31st, 2008, 18:22
Replies: 19
Views: 13,331
Posted By Denver Keith
Precisely my thinking. Actually, I wanted to...

Precisely my thinking. Actually, I wanted to explore a couple of different mod possibilities for the stock...good thing I'm going shopping across the line next month :D
Forum: Airsoft Media July 31st, 2008, 13:43
Replies: 19
Views: 13,331
Posted By Denver Keith
OK, so I can order that anywhere. What about real...

OK, so I can order that anywhere. What about real steel accessories, then? Recommend a website, or is there anywhere in Canada you could get real deal foregrips and stuff?
I'm working on my PAL...
Forum: Airsoft Media July 30th, 2008, 02:43
Replies: 19
Views: 13,331
Posted By Denver Keith
What PSI did you have it set at to get that ROF?...

What PSI did you have it set at to get that ROF? It's faster than some other YouTube vids I've seen. And what brand exactly is your lo-pro rail?
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 29th, 2008, 20:30
Replies: 20
Views: 12,511
Posted By Denver Keith
But then, how did the piston get stuck in the...

But then, how did the piston get stuck in the first place? It was all closed up (hadn't even tried to open it yet), had worked flawlessly in the past and was being test-fired in FA when suddenly the...
Forum: Airsoft Media July 29th, 2008, 20:25
Replies: 19
Views: 13,331
Posted By Denver Keith
Fricken sweeeet! Can't wait till my tank arrives...

Fricken sweeeet! Can't wait till my tank arrives :P

BTW make a video showing that burr I need to file down, that would help me a lot.
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 29th, 2008, 20:09
Replies: 20
Views: 12,511
Posted By Denver Keith
Ah, I suspected that was why I couldn't open the...

Ah, I suspected that was why I couldn't open the receiver. Yeah, like I posted before, I found the fuse split down the middle, with burn marks on the glass. I'll pick one up soon. However, I don't...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 29th, 2008, 16:33
Replies: 20
Views: 12,511
Posted By Denver Keith
Right, thanks for all the tips. However, there is...

Right, thanks for all the tips. However, there is still the issue of my utter lack of confidence opening the gearbox. :rolleyes: So apart from checking the fuse, (which I just did as I right this...)...
Forum: Reviews July 29th, 2008, 03:10
Replies: 49
Views: 48,157
Posted By Denver Keith
Came close to ordering some stuff from ICE, lol....

Came close to ordering some stuff from ICE, lol. I tend not to trust online retailers for gears...I'll stick with local surplus. Sort of funny I feel more secure trading hundreds of dollars for AEGs...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 29th, 2008, 02:46
Replies: 20
Views: 12,511
Posted By Denver Keith
Is the fuse cheap and easy to replace? If it's...

Is the fuse cheap and easy to replace? If it's the motor like T_A_N_K suggests, I'm out of luck, since after the fiasco that was my first AEG 'project' I am hesitant these days to even take a peek at...
Forum: Doctor's Corner July 29th, 2008, 02:01
Replies: 20
Views: 12,511
Posted By Denver Keith
KWA M4 Not firing

Had it for three weeks, gamed it once, posted it for sale today. Topped up the li-po and test-fired the M4. After a few short bursts, it quit firing. No motor noise, no response at all. Tried with...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 19th, 2008, 01:43
Replies: 15
Views: 21,595
Posted By Denver Keith
Acetone bath and a good scrub had almost no...

Acetone bath and a good scrub had almost no effect on that stuff. I just sanded it and repainted it with a black spray paint, made for use on metal. She's a black beaut now :D
Forum: General July 18th, 2008, 14:01
Replies: 29
Views: 17,302
Posted By Denver Keith
It's true. Fireman, I hope you're able to get...

It's true. Fireman, I hope you're able to get verified and have a positive airsoft experience. Some of these guys are a little bit nicer, and they'll be happy to ignore your attitude and snide...
Forum: General July 17th, 2008, 23:15
Replies: 29
Views: 17,302
Posted By Denver Keith
Hurray fireman, my eyes are finally opened. On...

Hurray fireman, my eyes are finally opened. On behalf of all Canadian airsofters, we admit that age verification is totally un-awesome, and airsoft is dead. Thank you, I now have hope to carry on...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 17th, 2008, 21:54
Replies: 24
Views: 14,294
Posted By Denver Keith
I will say this: if it were an actual person/ASC...

I will say this: if it were an actual person/ASC member, completely different story. A retailer across the border/ocean? Then I'm playing for keeps. ;)
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 17th, 2008, 20:44
Replies: 7
Views: 6,783
Posted By Denver Keith
Yeah, you could do your research. Or you could be...

Yeah, you could do your research. Or you could be a n00b ignoramus like I was, blindly buy whatever looks good and waste thousands on expensive mistakes.

Pick the first option. Trust us on this...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 17th, 2008, 20:34
Replies: 24
Views: 14,294
Posted By Denver Keith
Awesome. Bad spacemoose! Bad! I'd keep...


Bad spacemoose! Bad!

I'd keep 'em. Their mistake!
Forum: General July 16th, 2008, 13:53
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,079
Posted By Denver Keith
Hm...I've been considering picking up a JG next...

Hm...I've been considering picking up a JG next season, I think I'm convinced they're a worthy investment. I'm also pretty tired of the brand name issue. Tentacle, I totally understand your goggle...
Forum: General July 15th, 2008, 23:29
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,079
Posted By Denver Keith
Agreed, to a point. I think what DVPM said is...

Agreed, to a point. I think what DVPM said is also true - if I paid that much money, might as well brag it came hand delivered by the archangel Gabriel, too.

I'm still thinking about getting a...
Forum: General July 15th, 2008, 23:10
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,079
Posted By Denver Keith
Nah, they're all doing their own thing but...

Nah, they're all doing their own thing but they'll be back together soon enough. They all admitted missing the band in separate interviews, only a couple months after the split.

Pet peeve -...
Forum: General July 15th, 2008, 23:04
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,079
Posted By Denver Keith
I thought so. :D "Can't you see that we...

I thought so. :D

"Can't you see that we love my cock? doodleloodledoodleloodle..." <--instant classic
Forum: General July 15th, 2008, 23:00
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,079
Posted By Denver Keith
*watches thread degenerate* You know, a line...

*watches thread degenerate*

You know, a line from a good System of a Down track, Cigaro, comes to mind...
Forum: General July 14th, 2008, 19:53
Replies: 1,578
Views: 1,297,079
Posted By Denver Keith
Pet peeve: Touchy PTW owners. Every time one...

Pet peeve: Touchy PTW owners. Every time one breaks, I snicker inside.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 13th, 2008, 21:55
Replies: 22
Views: 22,621
Posted By Denver Keith
Like it's been said, CA bodies are really nice....

Like it's been said, CA bodies are really nice. Their bodies are usually the heaviest, highest quality finish you can get short of PTWs. However, my experience with their internals has been pretty...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 13th, 2008, 17:51
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
I was watching vids of sexy GBB guns when I found...

I was watching vids of sexy GBB guns when I found this:

YouTube - New Escort Flashbang Grenade (

I was completely unaware that Escort was working on...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 11th, 2008, 14:05
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
Hang on, have you actually activated one of these...

Hang on, have you actually activated one of these things? Or is this still theory?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 11th, 2008, 02:23
Replies: 13
Views: 9,327
Posted By Denver Keith
I wouldn't. Check their trader rating, see if you...

I wouldn't. Check their trader rating, see if you can get the previous owner of the gun, etc. You say he's trying to sell it to her - did your friend approach him about the gun, or is he just trying...
Forum: Airsoft Media July 10th, 2008, 19:33
Replies: 17
Views: 11,804
Posted By Denver Keith
Beautiful. I like the look of the Magpul receiver...

Beautiful. I like the look of the Magpul receiver much more than the typical Armalite engraving.
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 8th, 2008, 20:55
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
That's my attitude, too. Fear the flashbang!...

That's my attitude, too. Fear the flashbang! While keeping IRL dangers in the forefront of our minds as well. I'm willing to shell out big bucks for a safe compromise! :D
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 8th, 2008, 13:44
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
These sound promising. Edit: Look up some...

These sound promising.

Edit: Look up some Youtube vids for bear bangers. YouTube - bear banger (
They detonate like, fifty feet away from...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 8th, 2008, 03:22
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
Fine, fine. I'm sure I would regret it, once I...

Fine, fine. I'm sure I would regret it, once I actually experienced it. But even knowing that, I'd still be first in line to be a volunteer victim. :D

And I stand by my airsafe - I mean, airsoft...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 7th, 2008, 21:41
Replies: 1,632
Views: 4,793,287
Posted By Denver Keith
It'll also do you a lot of favors (and save you a...

It'll also do you a lot of favors (and save you a lot of trouble) to get age-verified, ASAP. Fill out your profile (location, age, etc) and get in contact with a local club. Welcome to the sport! :)
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 7th, 2008, 21:14
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
I read that article, that's really interesting....

I read that article, that's really interesting. Of course there is some process of combustion to create the flash, but I had no idea it was capable of severely burning a victim. I guess LE really do...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 7th, 2008, 20:46
Replies: 65
Views: 49,877
Posted By Denver Keith
Oh, gosh. *This is just a general comment, not a...

Oh, gosh. *This is just a general comment, not a barb at one person.* Sometimes, I really resent the "super-safe" game we try to turn this into. I guess it is already called "air-soft", which is...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 4th, 2008, 19:09
Replies: 5
Views: 7,475
Posted By Denver Keith
KingArms makes killer product. Can't really miss...

KingArms makes killer product. Can't really miss with anything of theirs.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 26th, 2008, 17:47
Replies: 37
Views: 26,926
Posted By Denver Keith
That is amazing. I had no idea there were GBB...

That is amazing. I had no idea there were GBB rifles out there. Finally an airsoft gun that doesn't sound like a sewing machine! I'm gonna wait a year or two for parts to become more common, though.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 28th, 2008, 22:49
Replies: 6
Views: 5,356
Posted By Denver Keith
Roger that. I'm still having trouble getting it...

Roger that. I'm still having trouble getting it to stay on the barrel properly while easing it in there. Huge pain in the neck so far.

EDIT: Actually, so far I'm having more success without lube....
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 28th, 2008, 22:48
Replies: 6
Views: 5,356
Posted By Denver Keith
Uh, nope, can't say it does. But what the heck,...

Uh, nope, can't say it does. But what the heck, I'll try it anyway... posting results in a few minutes.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 28th, 2008, 22:41
Replies: 6
Views: 5,356
Posted By Denver Keith
Aha, I hadn't noticed that nub. OK, so I've fit...

Aha, I hadn't noticed that nub. OK, so I've fit the rubber on. Now how do I position the assembled barrel and attached hop-up rubber into the hop up/gearbox/upper receiver portion? Does it matter how...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications April 28th, 2008, 22:06
Replies: 6
Views: 5,356
Posted By Denver Keith
Installing a tightbore

Quick question: while disassembling my MP5, I didn't take care to notice the orientation of the old inner barrel or the hop up rubber. Like the old one, my 6.03's got a couple of notches and a hole,...
Forum: General April 9th, 2008, 12:30
Replies: 130
Views: 72,653
Posted By Denver Keith
I ordered a little over $500 of upgrades for my...

I ordered a little over $500 of upgrades for my MP5, its been in Customs for the past 9 days. I swear if they disassemble my M120 mechbox looking for whatever and they break it or don't reassemble it...
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 1st, 2008, 18:07
Replies: 12
Views: 8,717
Posted By Denver Keith
Ooh, now I want to hear them. T7, are you gonna...

Ooh, now I want to hear them. T7, are you gonna leave me hanging? Jk, jk.

As for cheaping out, I'm talking buying the Echo1 mags rather than, say, G&P ones (which I use, actually). Or, sure,...
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 1st, 2008, 14:19
Replies: 12
Views: 8,717
Posted By Denver Keith
Hey, you know what they say about cheaping out on...

Hey, you know what they say about cheaping out on airsoft...;)
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 1st, 2008, 11:29
Replies: 12
Views: 8,717
Posted By Denver Keith
Redwolf has pretty much everything mentioned in...

Redwolf has pretty much everything mentioned in this thread, and more.
Forum: Gear Discussion March 30th, 2008, 03:37
Replies: 41
Views: 27,837
Posted By Denver Keith

Depends what's important to you. Yeah, it gets hot, but I'd rather...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 21st, 2008, 04:19
Replies: 0
Views: 3,254
Posted By Denver Keith
Detach MP5 front sight

How do you remove the front sight piece from an MP5? I need to remove it to get at the cocking bolt, so I can remove the handle. I couldn't seem to find any posts on it.
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 10th, 2008, 17:55
Replies: 36
Views: 18,162
Posted By Denver Keith
Out of curiousity, anyone know whether TM p226...

Out of curiousity, anyone know whether TM p226 internals are compatible with KJW's version?

I have a KJW p226 and was considering upgrading the spring, spring guide and high-flow valve, but those...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 29th, 2008, 18:58
Replies: 11
Views: 12,145
Posted By Denver Keith
I think you're out of luck, man. I've never seen...

I think you're out of luck, man. I've never seen anything like that. A Steyr AUG is probably the closest you'll get. The AUG A2 Carbine is one I've been jonesin' for, it's fairly similar, excepting...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 55

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