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Dylan December 6th, 2009 01:13

SRC guns question regarding mag compatability
was looking at the new 3rd Gen SRCs on 007 airsoft and was wondering, Will TM M4 mags work in this? (I was thinking about the new PMAGs)

and while I'm asking how long would this gun last me Stock?(SRC M4 CQB Gen 3)

thank you in advance

L473ncy December 6th, 2009 01:35

1) Yes, it should fit any mag that TM or based off the TM design. It *may* require some filing down or taping to make it thicker but it will fit.

2) As long as you want it to. Really I don't know but it probably will last a while before anything breaks and you have to repair it. It WILL break down though (as everything does) however it's not likely it will break down within the first few uses like some of the cheaper clones out there.

All you have to do is just not mess around with it. Play with it completely stock for a while (which it sounds like you're going to do) and once you get some experience and know what you want to achieve it will be easier to upgrade. I've heard once you crack open the gun even if you don't change anything you've reduced the reliability. I'm not sure how true that is but TBH I liken airsoft more to "magic" and less to actual engineering applications of why things work the way they do. It's messed up, just like Digital Design.... (For some reason my circuits seem to work by "magic" when I'm actually building it and it's sometimes totally different from the CAD design that I made).

Dylan December 6th, 2009 01:56

Thank you for your help! Ive been reading the forum for a while now trying to get educated on the sport. Virtually nobody plays it were I am in Ontario. Ive only seen ppl with Walmart shit. I originally wanted a GBBR but changed my mind for now b/c it is not practical for a noob like myself. Mabye in a year or two down the road.

Ayashifx55 December 6th, 2009 02:13

SRC , G&G , ICS , walmart...they are almost all in the same category my friend. We call them "cansoft" because they were modified with transparent receiver in order to be able to import in canada....

The best way , is to get age verified, if you want to be different than the "wal mart" kids ... This way, you will have access to from black body to full metal guns ;) If you cannot be age verified...

Then stick with SRC, their value and quality are great.I would suggest to get the HK416 from SRC 3rd gen. It's awsome. Just awsome.

Dylan December 6th, 2009 02:45

Thank you for the info, the one im referring to at walmart is a spring gun. Haven't even seen ppl here with AEGs. I think im going to get age Verified when I go to the airsoft convention in Toronto. Maybe if I have a AEG by then I will look on here after that for a metal Lower reviver. Unless they sell guns at the convention, would it be better to buy one there?

Dart December 6th, 2009 04:11

those are in no way the same as walmart guns. just because a gun is clear does not automaticly make it shit.

walmart guns have plastic gears and gearboxes and come with a 7.4 volt. i fail to see how that compares.

this attitude towards clear soft needs to change. asc has been screaming for years for the solution to the airsoft question... and now that we have it we turn our noses up at it. cant have your cake and eat it too.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw December 6th, 2009 08:39


Originally Posted by Ayashifx55 (Post 1117787)
SRC , G&G , ICS , walmart...they are almost all in the same category my friend. We call them "cansoft" because they were modified with transparent receiver in order to be able to import in canada....

The best way , is to get age verified, if you want to be different than the "wal mart" kids ... This way, you will have access to from black body to full metal guns ;) If you cannot be age verified...

Then stick with SRC, their value and quality are great.I would suggest to get the HK416 from SRC 3rd gen. It's awsome. Just awsome.

Did you just compare the SRC, G&G and ICS cansoft lines to the shit being pumped out of Wal-Mart? Please shut the fuck up if you truly don't know what you're talking about. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of cansoft guns but to compare them to Wal-Mart soft air is nothing short of an insult.

Gunny_McSmith December 6th, 2009 10:08

- Yes they do fit and feed perfectly. I tried TM and MAG brand mags with mine....
- yes the gun should last, I've had mine for 2 years now.... Only had to change the hopup rubber....

Dylan December 6th, 2009 11:49

alright thank you! I take it that if I get the CQB version I cant use a Magpul CTR stock?, because the battery in the CQB is in the crane stock

RaisinBran December 6th, 2009 13:56


Originally Posted by Dylan (Post 1117933)
alright thank you! I take it that if I get the CQB version I cant use a Magpul CTR stock?, because the battery in the CQB is in the crane stock

Yes you still can but the battery will either have to be in a better bag on the stock or rewired to the front to use with a PEQ box.

GSK88 December 6th, 2009 14:10


Originally Posted by RaisinBran (Post 1118030)
Yes you still can but the battery will either have to be in a better bag on the stock or rewired to the front to use with a PEQ box.


Originally Posted by RaisinBran (Post 1118030)
Yes you still can but the battery will either have to be in a better bag on the stock or rewired to the front to use with a PEQ box.

You could probably get a small LiPo in there. I think there's even a stock tube specifically for the CTR that's meant for LiPo.

Dylan December 7th, 2009 17:01

ok, thank you for all the info it is helping me out a lot!

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