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Oborous November 26th, 2009 16:13

Book Thread
So, Fox111 suggested a book in the Planning for a Large Event thread

I think this sub-forum could be a great place to list books that you've found useful for any level of play for airsoft. Ideally, a link to a review of the book in the review section would be helpful. Even posting books that you've bought and turned out not to be so good would be helpful for people to avoid spending money on a subpar resource.

The post should have the full name of the book and the authors, a link to Amazon or Chapters would be appriciated, ISBN or ISSN numbers for extra points. Even just a sentence or two review if you don't want to post a full review in the review section would be still helpful for people to decide.

Oborous November 26th, 2009 16:15

FOX111's post that started this thread

[b]Afghan guerrilla warfare, by Ali Ahmad Jalali and Lester W. Grau.[b]


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1111435)
I think a good aproach for airsoft would be the one used by Mujahadeen commanders in the 1970 Afghan war with the russian.

Since most of the mujahadeen where farmers and other jihadist, all they wanted was some trigger time on the infidels. They did not want to participate in long, complex operations. And keeping them organised and in position was as complex as herding cats.

So they kept it simple. With limited comm, they organised simple but effective groupes that each had simple orders and erea of activity.

To study their SOP, I highly recommand the book: Afghan guerrilla warfare, by Ali Ahmad Jalali and Lester W. Grau. Very detailled battle report with maps and commentary by the person involved in the command of each battle, when available.

I use some of it's principle when organising milsim with people not part of team that are not cohesive on their own.

Also, having team releave other team on boring but essencial mission is a big plus. It allow a team on Surveillance to have some trigger time, it make some movement on the field for the opfor to respond, and it create a momentum of action. + it keep moral high.

Moral is something rarely taken care off in airsoft. When a team is successfull on it's ennemy, the ennemy moral get low, for real. And the bitching start, and the chairsofters start to camp in the base, chatting about their newly aquired musle break that is sooooo nice... A good CO will notice this shift in morale and exploite it. Either by attacking demoralised troop to gain more gorund or objective, or to send demoralised troop on candy mission with rapid and easy success.

(Believe this is the correct book, will edit if incorrect)
Amazon Link

FOX_111 November 26th, 2009 16:56

That's the one.

Here some more I liked.

The SAS Combat Handbook: Jon E. Lewis: Books

Get the whole serie of books... I got 2 of them and they are all good.

Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams: Christopher E. Larsen: Books

Best tactical handbook for feild use I've read. Simple, no bullshit. Photos to explain, graphics. Well written, Usefull for airsoft. You can't command a small team without reading this book first. You could... but you'd fail.

That's it for now.

Eyseld June 22nd, 2022 18:41

It's a pity this topic never became popular here. My favorite book at one time was Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. You could even say it's about reflective and at one time I needed it. I wanted to write a college essay on it, but I always had problems with it, so I ordered from so that the work could be definitely done. Another very powerful book that changed me is Atomic Habits by

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