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rokor November 22nd, 2009 22:31

Problem with new AEG.
Last weekend I finally picked myself up a real airsoft gun, and after playing a small number of skirmishes, I started noticing that the time it took the gears to start moving was not in sync with when I was pulling the trigger. I assumed the battery was not connected correctly(fully charged) so I reconnected it and still, no difference. I left the gun untouched for the last 2 days and now when I try to shoot, nothing happens, as if the abttery was dead. I tried a new battery, no difference. I checked if the problem was in the motor, it's not. I assume it is somewhere in between the two, but I'm not sure how I would go about making sure/fixing it.

What should I do?

By the way, this gun is an ICS M4A1.

Steven November 22nd, 2009 22:34

Did you check that the contacts were making, well contact?

rokor November 22nd, 2009 22:36

As far as I could tell, all the wires were hooked up correctly.

Styrak November 22nd, 2009 22:39

You sure you're using fully charged batteries?

Steven November 22nd, 2009 22:40

Did you notice the Rate of fire slow down, up to the point of you stopping its use? If you did, it's your battery

Mitchell12 November 22nd, 2009 22:45

Perhaps your charger is a piece of crap? Hence why the new battery isn't working. Or you held the trigger for a long time when the batt was just about dead and cooked something inside the gun.

rokor November 22nd, 2009 22:46

Batteries are definetly fully charged. To make sure I tried the stock abttery with another airsoft gun, works fine. And the ROF was no different the last few minutes I used it than the first, except that there was a delay after I pull the trigger.

pawscal November 22nd, 2009 22:46

did you check the fuse?

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw November 23rd, 2009 00:53

If you fill in your profile better (such as location and such) we can help direct you to your closest gun doc.

BETA7 November 23rd, 2009 01:57

i know this is going to sound stupid but is the signal from ur trigger going to where it should? as in did something get skrewed up in there. If you can also use a cheap tool from canadian tire and test the wires to make sure its going from one end to the other correctly.

Dart November 23rd, 2009 02:22


Originally Posted by BETA7 (Post 1109341)
i know this is going to sound stupid but is the signal from ur trigger going to where it should? as in did something get skrewed up in there. If you can also use a cheap tool from canadian tire and test the wires to make sure its going from one end to the other correctly.

I dunno if I would recommend that to someone that just bought there first gun, taking out the mechbox and checking for continuity for a newbie may not be the best idea......

rokor November 23rd, 2009 08:11

I have taken the mechbox apart before to familiarize myself with the mechanics of the gun, but I am certain everything was put back together correctly.

I do not have a lot of knowledge with electronics though, how would I test the fuse?

And I am from Mississauga, Ontario. How much would it cost to be fixed professionally?

CowboyUp November 23rd, 2009 12:23

I'd say, find a gun doc. I'm very electrically and mechanically inclined, and my first AEG is at the doc right now, even though I swear I could have fixed it. I just want to make sure it's done RIGHT the first time. Plus, at least then, if it's not, you have someone to blame :D

rokor November 25th, 2009 07:58

Thanks for all the help so far, but I would like to do all I can to fix it myself. If all else fails, I will take it to a gun Doc.

Yesterday I got a new fuse, still not working. I assume that brings it down to either a connection in the gearbox, or the wiring itself.

notec November 25th, 2009 17:01

Check the contacts on your trigger almost sounds like they were making spuratic contact from your description. Also check to make sure the wire insulation wasnt in contact with any moving parts.......if it was you might have a faulty wire.

The best thing about a broken gun, you will learn fairly quickly how to troubleshoot it next time.

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