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cdn_ October 21st, 2009 18:46

Looking but finding it hard for a new airsoft gun
Hey Guys... my real handle is CDN_Rogue.

I have been looking for my first airsoft gun. A a newbie at airsoft , but long time realsim paintball player, I have been trying to review some of the guns that are out there. There are just way to many to choose from. Narrowing it down seems hard to do.

My question is ... Are AEG upgradeable to the same extent agross all guns or are some you just can't upgrade at all and some you can upgrade very easily and perfered?
When I say upgradable, I am talking about the internals and the externals. Could you give me some examples of each (hard or non upgradable AEG versus very easy and prefferred upgradable guns.) Do they all use the same parts?

I should add that the style I am looking for is either M4 Carbine, HK416 or a Masada.

Mitchell12 October 21st, 2009 18:58

Almost every AEG can be upgraded in everyway. If it's "TM compatible" then that means most parts will work on it.

Trapper1 October 21st, 2009 19:03

If you are looking at an AR platform gun the options for upgrades are pretty much endless. Same goes with the AK and MP5, But AR's are the easiest to source parts for. On the other hand, everybody has one in one form or another so if you want to be original, it won't be the gun for you.

coach October 21st, 2009 19:04

same thing I tell everyone looking for a new gun, go to a local game. talk to members there and ask to check out their guns. ask them about upgrades they've done.

Crunchmeister October 21st, 2009 19:06

Looking to upgrade before you even have the gun or played with one is a rather bad idea. Get yourself a decent gun to start with and learn to use it properly. After a few games, you'll see the capabilities of the gun as well as realize its shortcomings, if any. Then you'll know what it needs in terms of upgrades. IMO, a decent quality stock gun is usually more than enough for any new players. Some people play for years without ever upgrading their guns and they have no issues at all.

cdn_ October 21st, 2009 19:33

Thanks for the feedback. I want to buy a gun that will grow with me. So I am not looking for upgrades, but trying to understand what "upgradable" means. I have been in many sports where I didn't ask that question and end up rebuying better stuff down the road. Understanding now, allows me to be comfortable in knowing that I when I buy a gun that I can use for years.
I have all ready contacted a local group and will be hangin with them to learn some more before I buy my first.

Thanks again for all your input!

SuperCriollo October 21st, 2009 19:45

Tokyo marui is like the Tippmann of airsoft world. so if its Tm compatible you can put whatevere you want in it.

m102404 October 21st, 2009 22:03

If you're going to "build it up"...try to get as solid a base as possible (i.e. body/barrel/grips/stocks/etc...).

Don't sweat the mechbox as can be sorted out little by little or swapped out altogether.

In AEG is basically a "mechbox" (there's other bits and parts in there as well) in a "shell/wrapper"...the mechboxes are plentiful and easy to get....the good shells/wrappers are hard to find.


stealthy1 October 22nd, 2009 00:02

In my research, most of what "upgradable" refers to is mostly stuff to do with the mechbox, as well as tweaking with the effect on flight of the BB. What's usually going to have to be replaced (and/or upgraded) will probably be the hop-up, the gears, and the battery. Those are things that will eventually wear down.

Now in terms of pure upgrading, people usually modify their spring (tension of various springs gives the BB greater or lower velocities), their batteries (most stock batteries have just enough mAh-milliamp hours-to power a game, so most people go with larger capacity batteries), and maybe the internal barrels if necessary.

Point is, most of the stuff worth upgrading are the internal parts. Most of the exterior is for aesthetics, and would be comparable to putting M16 hardware on a Tippman A5. Just for looks.

yuhaoyang October 22nd, 2009 00:18

I thought that too initially... but classic army and G&P externals are orgasmic for ARs....
if you have an AK, look for KA and G&P externals. so on and so forth.
externals first, to make an AEG shoot accurately, you don't really need that much upgrades. Inner barrel, hop-up chamber and rubber, a good nozzle, and good air-seal are really it... For ROF or trigger response there is a bunch of other stuff... blah blah blah....
point is, leave the internals for now, buy the best externals you can to start off =D
you won't regret it.

cdn_ October 22nd, 2009 16:03

again thanks alot guys! Kinda getting the feeling that most guns are upgradable internally and all use similiar if not the same parts.
Is there one gun that really feels like an M4?

m102404 October 22nd, 2009 16:09

Depends on what you mean by "feel".

PTW, GBBR (gas blow back rifle) dimensions are either spot on or very, very close to real steel. Both can be made ridiculously heavy by adding on steel parts here and there.

So far as the "shooting action" of them...the GBBR comes closest. I haven't touched/shot the TM SOPMOD (electric recoil) can't comment on those. I've shot/seen/worked-on the Guarder Auto-bolt (AK) system and G&G M4 blowback systems...they're utter gimicks and weak to the point that you'd be better off without it.

Having said that...a well built metal M4 AEG is very nice. The grip is a little wider/rounder than a real hold the motor. The body is a little hold the motor. Many start out very light...but changing up parts starts to add weight (i.e. a steel barrel adds a lot of perceived weight to the rifle). But having said that...unless you absolutely must have the exact AEG will be fine.

Really...the best thing is to get out to a game and chat it up with some of the guys. You'll probably be able to arrange a rental on the game thread.

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