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HUA? October 15th, 2009 13:28

Testing - Ghillies made by current Snipers
Alright I was discussing this with a couple of friends of mine who serve as Snipers in the CF right now I got to talking about airsoft and how there is a role for snipers within the games. This lead to talk about ghillie suits and some gear and they asked me if I thought anyone would be interested in having custom ghillies made by them?

Now I cant say how many they would want to make, or how often, but I do know they were thinking theyd do them in whatever BDU pattern the buyer wanted, and then tailor the actual ghillie to the average terrain the buyer would be in and also give them a detailed leaflet on how to properly use the ghillie and some tips and tricks regarding making the ghillie more useful.

They didnt think the idea would really get many hits, but they gave me permission to go ahead and ask anyways.

If anyone here would be interested in something like this, fire me off a PM and ask any questions you might have that I can in turn ask them.

FOX_111 October 15th, 2009 15:44

I'm sure you will hit some interest.

I do my own, but I no longer have the time and place to build a new one. If the price and specs are right, I could be interested.

HUA? October 15th, 2009 18:31

They are unfamiliar with airsoft and are wondering if there are any specific requirements an airsofter would need that they may not be aware of.

Currently their specs are:

-BDU set in customer selected pattern
-Boonie hat with detachable ghillie system
-Pants will have suspenders as well as elastic foot loops to prevent riding high or low
-Jackets will have thumb loops and a buckle g-string to keep sleeves down and jacket down
-Reinforced elbows and knees via cordura
-Internal padding on the elbows and knees
-detachable ghillie system on hat and jacket/pants so that users can change out ghillies based on terrain via fastex buckles and/or choose to not wear the ghillie until in firing position/stalking area

They plan on making the ghillies as if they themselves were going to wear them. I really dont think it needs to be summed up much more than that.

Their biggest concern was not knowing of any requirements you guys might have based on the fact that they will be used for airsoft. So if you have anything at all that you think they should know about pm me and Ill let them know.

T-Hell October 16th, 2009 01:06


HUA? October 19th, 2009 22:41


Originally Posted by T-Hell (Post 1085067)

They decided to make a prototype to figure out exactly what its going to cost them to make the suit. After browsing online and looking at other companies that do similar things, they roughly guess their price will be in the 400-600 range.

BBjunky October 19th, 2009 23:08

400 -600 seems steep, aswell do they have a tag saying that they are part of the army (I know it sounds bad but still Iv seen plenty of people that claim they are "snipers" / "pyrotechnicians " but not be able to provide proper identification, cause im sure a true sniper made ghillie is worth more than the 200$ one I can get at lets say supply sargent here in edmonton

FOX_111 October 19th, 2009 23:19

To justify such a price, I'd have to see a pic. At that price, I expect the netting to be custom made with paracord with hand stiched green elastics inbetween for foliage. As well as a well designed ventilation systeme.

I do my own, with less bells and wisles, but it costed me less than 100$ to make. Actually, it was less than 50$ and I could say that it's close to military grade. Only the netting differ.

So, airsoft requirement: the same as military. Except no need for IR treatment and NEED of fast in and out option. Like bottom leg opening for putting it on and off without removing boots. The garnishing need to be even better than military, since it will be used for close encounter most of the time. Most airsoft sniper don't take the time to properly add local vegetation to it, so it must be "good looking" to start.

Fire retardant is also very important.

Jube8311 October 21st, 2009 12:20


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1087625)
Fire retardant is also very important.

The mental picture this statement gave me was one of an immolated airsofter doing combat rolls left and right. lulz

ScharfSchutzen October 21st, 2009 12:23

^^^^ HAHA I was thinking something similar!

FOX_111 October 21st, 2009 12:34

Just last summed, a sniper ghillie suit cought fire on the field.

It's a serious hazard and it should not be neglected.

Just having a squad mate light a smoke too close to you, or you walking close to a campfire is enough to make you a big ball of fire. And a ghillie suit is not exacly easy to remove. It's harder when your face is burning.

CDN_Stalker October 21st, 2009 12:43

Luckily burlap bought at Rona or CT is already treated with fire retardant stuff. I can leave a lit cig sitting on a strand or strip of burlap and the most it'll do it turn black, maybe make an ember, but won't catch fire at all unless with an open flame.

FOX_111 October 21st, 2009 14:53

I'll try that. With the amount of use my ghillie has, I'm not sure if my fireproofing treatment is still efficient anyway.

I bought my burlap at Réno Dépot, equivalent to Rona. (They bought Rona anyway hehe)

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