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Richand October 8th, 2009 22:41

Metal upgrade for tm hicapa
I have a tm hi-capa 4.3 stainless. Its a beauty, and people say it should be awesome stock. But! The weight of a real hand gun just feels sooo much better, so i decided to upgrade the slide to metal, now i got a few people in mind whos giving good deals. I just want a metal slide that will last. Dose not have to be super pretty, but i want it to be a 5.1.

Anyways to those who have done this before i need tips!
I was thinking of buying our very own Styrak of sasksoft armory's Davidson Custom Metal Hicapa 5.1 Slides

Any comments on its quality?
Also i need internals and Sights for it,
Now As much as i want to build a new slide what can i salvage from my tm 4.3 that i can transfer to the 5.1, and what ARE the parts that i would need to completely build a new slide.

Remember im not looking to build a CAPS gun, just a heavy, reliable gaming gun, As long as its heavy, shoots straight from 15 feet and is heavy gaming capable its good enough. It does not need to be able to save me .00001 seconds on the time i clear a room. Im talking with slide... 200-250 ish?
Is that possible?


Thenooblord October 8th, 2009 22:50

A 5.1 slide will not fit on a 4.3 slide, well, it will FIT, but the frame on the 4.3 will extend past the scalloping on the slide of a 5.1, so it will look... odd. just stick with a 4.3 slide, or sell the 4.3 and buy a 5.1

m102404 October 8th, 2009 22:56

If you poke speed holes into the slide it'll go faster.....

Just kidding...if you want to put a 5.1 slide on it you'll need:
1. Slide w/ bushing
2. Blowback chamber w/ piston head and retaining screw *
3. Nozzle *
4. Nozzle return spring *
5. Float valve *
6. Float valve spring *
7. Hopup unit/hopup rubber *
8. Inner barrel
9. Outer barrel
10. Full length guide rod
11. Recoil spring
12. Front sight **
13. Rear sight

The items with a * can be gutted from the 4.3 slide. The item with the ** can be...but it's not the right sight.

The other items you'll have to buy new. Good luck finding a rear sight...

Note: Even though the parts work in the stock TM slide...doesn't mean they'll just drop right into an aftermarket slide and just work. If you're lucky...they will. If you're unlucky they never matter how much fiddling, filing, tweaking you do.

I cannot comment much on the Davidson custom slides. Only that a customer is having a bitch of a time with his and we're dropping all the internals back into a stock TM slide to get the pistol shooting again. That does not mean they're all bad....I've had Shooters Design and other top brand slides not work well as well.

Best of luck with your build.

NOTE: You don't need a fancy gun to shoot CAPS...some of our best shooters shoot stock pistols and two of our best ones shoot stock ones that are pretty much broken (M9 and G26). Some guys who shoot to have something pretty to compensate....:p

pusangani October 8th, 2009 22:57

it'll fit, you will need a longer spring quide and stiffer recoil spring as well

Richand October 8th, 2009 23:21

Thanks for the parts list!!! Exactly what i needed... To tell me how much work i have to put into it.

Also i know a 5.1 slide works on a 4.3 and vice versa and not look too weird cause i have a kjw hi-capa that works, infact i switch them all the time! so I really have an idea of what the metal feels like, Thing is i dont like the kjw stock parts and its shoots off sight too far.

Any slides anyone can recommend thats durable but wont cost an arm and a leg, My goal is airsoft surgeon but its almost the same price as my tm lol.

Oh and sorry about the caps comment! I used to do ipsc training(or whatever it was for the police version in the philippines) when i was 14. i know about the stock division, I ment the really extreme open ones that are like... gold plated hahaha. I used to LOOOOVE those, but i really dont see myself in combat with them. stupid 12 year olds with their $3000 guns... yeah im just jealous...

m102404 October 8th, 2009 23:27

You mean Illusion and Racingmaniac's pistols....LOL!!!

Honestly...I'd go Airsoft Surgeon, PG4 or one of Illusion's. In fact, I'd get the AS straightline/no-tilt whatever barrel. The setup would last forever.

But that setup would probably cost as much as 2 hicapas.

If you go with a metal outer barrel and metal slide...just hedge your bets and buy the same manufacturer. Still no guarantees...but it's the safest bet.

Richand October 8th, 2009 23:34


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1080302)
You mean Illusion and Racingmaniac's pistols....LOL!!!

Honestly...I'd go Airsoft Surgeon, PG4 or one of Illusion's. In fact, I'd get the AS straightline/no-tilt whatever barrel. The setup would last forever.

But that setup would probably cost as much as 2 hicapas.

If you go with a metal outer barrel and metal slide...just hedge your bets and buy the same manufacturer. Still no guarantees...but it's the safest bet.

Im sure ill be pming u! First of all! i didnt understand half of what u just said! Which i found soo cool cause now i want it! lol. But yeah cheapper is better for me. Whats a "AS straightline/no-tilt whatever barrel" You have like a link for examples?

Thanks! Keep saying things like that cause im soooo curious!

Richand October 8th, 2009 23:36

Oh also! for the 2 tm hi-capas part... It doesn't have to be all together lol... I can go long term, part here part there.

Slono October 8th, 2009 23:48


Originally Posted by Richand (Post 1080306)
Im sure ill be pming u! First of all! i didnt understand half of what u just said! Which i found soo cool cause now i want it! lol. But yeah cheapper is better for me. Whats a "AS straightline/no-tilt whatever barrel" You have like a link for examples?

Thanks! Keep saying things like that cause im soooo curious!

You stated that you wanted a reliable gaming gun, and this one piece barrel (chamber and outer barrel is one piece) is supposed to prolong the life of your metal slide infinitely, as I've been told my ILLusion. The Airsoft Surgeon one piece barrel is this one:
YouTube - Redwolf Airsoft - Airsoft Surgeon Fixed barrel for Marui Hi-Capa

Everything stated in that video is true except the part when he says it gives your gun greater accuracy because if you search slow motion GBB on youtube you'll clearly see the BBs leaving the gun before the blowback cycle begins. As you can see, when the gun blows back it bucks upwards once the slide reaches its maximum retracted position while the barrel wobbles around. Of course when you fire it you won't really notice the crazy rubber wobble the slow motion video shows, because the action is way too fast for the naked eye. Here's the video I found to illustrate the above:
YouTube - Airsoft GBB slow motion 4

Richand October 9th, 2009 00:15

It is cool... but its 99 bucks... i was thinking like 250 for the WHOLE upper slide, parts and all.
Ill start with simple durable and slowly go for higher end durable.

What parts are the ones the break the most or cause malfunctions?

Styrak October 9th, 2009 00:16

The Davidson Customs slides I sell are excellent quality, I have one on my TM 5.1

Richand October 9th, 2009 00:18


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1080332)
The Davidson Customs slides I sell are excellent quality, I have one on my TM 5.1

Cool, im highly considering it. Oh, how much is the shipping for a slide usually? Not express.

Styrak October 9th, 2009 00:19

If you want to discuss that, PM me.


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1080277)
If you poke speed holes into the slide it'll go faster.....

Just kidding...

Actually that's true! Less slide weight...

pusangani October 9th, 2009 00:25

the stock nozzle won't work with those davidson custom slides, the airsoft surgeon one works though, tested on 2 slides

Richand October 9th, 2009 00:26


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1080336)
If you want to discuss that, PM me.

Actually that's true! Less slide weight...

I will! just not yet lol. Im just looking for general info and tips for now. Im still on 2 other projects. But yeah ur on the go too list for this one.

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