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kullwarrior September 30th, 2009 23:06

MARPAT Uniform
Does anyone know which company makes a good MARPAT BDU/ Combat top?
I don't want airsoft clone, aka any chance getting Military surplus?

pugs144 September 30th, 2009 23:08

Propper makes the issue MARPAT. They also make ACU-cut Woodland Digital uniforms (MARPAT without the embedded EGA.)

Issue MARPAT can be found on eBay easily.

Conker September 30th, 2009 23:10

I heard generally good things about Propper.

I believe someone recently posted a thread about having access to quite a lot of issue US uniforms, you might want to have a look in the gear classifieds...

theguy September 30th, 2009 23:16

There are a few guys selling sets of Issue MARPAT right now.

I know Mcguyver is selling an unissued complete set, I would have snatched it up, but it was too big for me :(

kullwarrior September 30th, 2009 23:30

No offence, I really questions Ebay's seller description, often they mentioned the word clone, replica or type in very secret location.

Drunk_Albertan September 30th, 2009 23:37

I run with Tru-spec Woodland Marpat and it's great! has some good prices too.

kullwarrior October 1st, 2009 01:45


Originally Posted by Drunk_Albertan (Post 1075490)
I run with Tru-spec Woodland Marpat and it's great! has some good prices too.

did you use the uniform top or combat shirt?
I'm considering getting the combat shirt, (I sweat ALOT, as in my mouse is literally coated with my sweat 24hrs after I clean it . (I use comp about 2-6hrs a day)

Frozen Tex October 1st, 2009 02:06


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1075570)
did you use the uniform top or combat shirt?
I'm considering getting the combat shirt, (I sweat ALOT, as in my mouse is literally coated with my sweat 24hrs after I clean it . (I use comp about 2-6hrs a day)

I just got a Tru-Spec Combat Shirt in Desert MARPAT delivered this week, from Oopsgear; $50 USD and it's quite comfy around the house, haven't had a chance to game it yet, and not sure if I will this year, due to the coming cold of the north (forecast 6' and rain for Saturday. Ugh.). Although, since I had to get XXL as they were out of stock of XL and I didn't want to wait an extra 2 weeks, it's likely big enough to wear some kind of sweater or a couple layers of woolies underneath it.

Oborous October 5th, 2009 12:53


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1075473)
Propper makes the issue MARPAT. They also make ACU-cut Woodland Digital uniforms (MARPAT without the embedded EGA.)

Issue MARPAT can be found on eBay easily.

Note the Propper digital woodland, vs. just looking up Digital woodland; some digitial is just plain off, and very orange. The cheap digi woodland is pretty easy for me to spot, but good Marpat is very difficult.

Also, learn how to properly wash your BDU's, especially Marpat; there are many threads about how it can fade pretty badly. I always use soap (Zero), not detergent; both for it being Soap and having no optical brighteners. I'm always sure to use a stainless steel drum for the washing machine. I did not do the soak in Vinegar, and have not noticed any issues. Do not shove into the dryer, always wash inside out. If your girl (girlfriend/wife/fiance/ or mother) washes your clothes, tell her to treat it like washing a bra, basically the same protocol less the lingere bag.

Although I can't remember the name, there is basically Marpat without the EGA for law enforcement down in the states. You could pickup a set of that alot easier than hunting down EGA Marpat, or guessing about the quality of digital woodland.


fester October 6th, 2009 07:09

issued are on Ebay... Ebay is always the way...LOL

for a very good replica You would probably need some Polish stuff

I have seen that stuff personally, and the textiles used are very good...
a complete bdu cost only 40 Euros

here below a pic of an Helikon replica

MadMorbius October 6th, 2009 07:22

I've got a set in XL I need to get rid of.

Schlyder October 6th, 2009 07:26

Helikon is very good quality. I have two sets of helikon BDUs, and I think they are fantastic. And for the price can't be beat. Ripstop fabric, lots of pockets, good stitching, and fit is great. Helikon FTW. The ebay store where I got mine is named military_pl I don't think they have MARPAT though.
Polish woodland Pantera, Polish desert Pantera, US woodland, US 3 color desert, and OD, are the only colors available, that I have seen.

bakercompany October 6th, 2009 11:59


Originally Posted by fester (Post 1078379)
issued are on Ebay... Ebay is always the way...LOL

I second this.:) Genuine Marine Corps Combat Utilities have a black tag in the collar with the words "MADE EXPRESSLY FOR" above a beautiful, colour embroidered Eagle, Globe and Anchor reading "DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS." This tag should also list the size and manufacturer of that particular set.

I've bought three sets of genuine MCCUs on eBay without a problem, and for much less than any knock off. My deserts came in unissued condition and they were less than $25. My woodlands are made by American Apparel (yep, the same one; they do huge military contracts in addition to their clothing lines), my deserts by EA Industries. I've seen FROG gear manufactured by both Crye Precision and Propper.

Propper also does MCCUs, in addition to the civillian TRUs and BDUs in woodland digital. It's not quite the same; to me the base Coyote Brown is off, and they're not the comfortable MCCU weight material.

Good luck!

fester October 6th, 2009 13:33

I bought mines from E-baby too:D, desert&woodland both made by American Apparel.

well... considering my jacket size, a doublexl, I needed 3 years to find the originals!!!

for Helikon products try some Polish shops... they have MARPAT bdu, gore, etc... for example

I think they would ship worldwide

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