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sabre_ June 23rd, 2009 11:30


i know, stupid question but are all BB's the same.

I dont want to use the Competition grade BB as practice, which are .2

Theres a sale @ CRAPPY TIRE which are .12 and 6mm


Crunchmeister June 23rd, 2009 11:40

No, they're not. Cdn Tire .12 are shit all around. They're neither perfect in shape nor size, and often have visible seams. They can tear up your hopup rubber, jam up mags and barrels, and due to their shitty composition, will leave residue inside your barrel that will build up and eventually cause jams unless you clean your barrel thoroughly every few hundred shots.

Get brand name .2 or .25 BBs for general purpose shooting. The .12 will just end up damaging your gun in the long (or perhaps shorter) run.

And BTW, "competition grade" is just a name given to some better quality BBs. IMO, .2 are pretty useless other than for short range plinking in your house. As soon as you game, .25 is minimum. And even for outdoor target practice, .25 is highly recommended. .2 and .25 cost the same, so it's a no-brainer to get .25.

dpvu June 23rd, 2009 11:40

All BBs are not the same. The crappy .12s you speak of are often inconsistent in shape and diameter, fragile and unpolished. They can actually be bad for your gun if they break when feeding or chew up your hopup rubber.

Stick with good 0.20s even for plinking. They're $10 for a bag of 2000 BBs, just be glad you don't play paintball.

Metternich June 23rd, 2009 11:43


Sully June 23rd, 2009 11:52

Just say no to Crappy tire/walmart BB's. As has already been stated, they are crap. I was in the other week picking up some propane and I always look in the crapsoft isle for shits and giggles and looked at the BB's even with the display case closed and them in their containers I could visibly see the seams and imperfections in the BB's. For the sake of your gun, spend the 10 bucks plus shipping for some .2g bastards. It's alot cheaper in the long run than the repairs you'd need after using BB's that are so sub-standard that T7 wouldn't even use them in some of his crazy sex play (Just kidding T7:D)

sabre_ June 23rd, 2009 12:08

thanks guys just save my gun

ntomec June 23rd, 2009 12:24

never use .12 period(.)
unless you got a walmart gun aha

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