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six4 June 21st, 2009 23:23

Velocity Arms
VelocityArms.flv video by six4 - Photobucket

Con Murder June 22nd, 2009 14:47

Hey just a shout out to "Frank" at velocityarms, thats who I made payment to (might be same dude). Got his JG M4 S-system (A type) from his websight in april. Thing is I sent an EMT in march for his deal in march on that weapon, my internet went down and it took me a week to check my email, turned out I failed with technology once again. Resent emt in april and he gave me marchs deal!!!!
The gun is for my brother and he can never really come out, decided that an upgraded gun would be best as he wont really invest. Then in May he tells me to sight it in and it makes this whirrrrrr.... Twice. Through another websight I no longer frequent, and others I read up and got walked through opening it up and found that the butt plate had been too tight.
I was confident I would identify the problem and repair it, but to reassure me Frank told me he would repair it if I shipped it. Now we didn't talk price or anything but this holds true to how they treated me and six4.
Thanks alot man!

yuhaoyang June 22nd, 2009 16:01

Frank's a pretty stand up guy =p
rediculously quick responses, free shipping, and well priced parts. Very good all rounder; although in fairness I do wish he would have some non-ACM parts on call =/
But yeah, if he has anything that I need, first choice to go to right there.

Tex June 22nd, 2009 16:07

Thanks Six4, It is great to see Frank's re-sellers/distributors are holding the same customer service level that Frank has.

underground June 22nd, 2009 16:13

Completely irrelevant to this review.. the name mentioned in the video: Wong Fei Hung, whether this is coincidental or a business name, is also the famous name of a Chinese legendary martial arts and healer.

Hippy Killer June 22nd, 2009 16:22


Originally Posted by underground (Post 1011877)
Completely irrelevant to this review.. the name mentioned in the video: Wong Fei Hung, whether this is coincidental or a business name, is also the famous name of a Chinese legendary martial arts and healer.

Not too good of a healer if you ask me because he died of illness :D

AngelusNex June 22nd, 2009 16:35


Originally Posted by Hippy Killer (Post 1011886)
Not too good of a healer if you ask me because he died of illness :D

No he didn't, he faked his death to disappear and fulfill his life long dream, sell airsoft in canada.

To add to the thread constructively, Velocity arms is great, offered to, either send a different battery or rewire my battery/gun (can't remember exactly what he offered), when I got my M16 and it was wired for large and the battery for mini. (told him just to let him know, i switched to deans anyways). But by far one of the best retailers.

Doombringer June 22nd, 2009 17:02

lol, once upon a time in china, that's where I heard that name ! :p

At first I mistook him for Huo Yuanjia.

patcou June 22nd, 2009 19:59

He forgot to ship my deans connectors, excuse himself and shipped two set for the same price.

sixb0nes June 22nd, 2009 20:01

Great guy to deal with, and good prices with the free shipping. Made my first purchase in the sport an easy one. Thanks Frank.

QKLee11 February 6th, 2010 15:15

Hey I have been to Velocity Arms to buy some kit in the last 2 weeks. Always a pleasure with dealing with Frank (Karnage). I had a MP 5 50 rnd MAG that broke last year and Frank replaced it for me, for the wait he gave me a free metal MP 5 flash suppressor. I bought tactical railing and a foregrip from him for my KWA M 4. The following week was even better. By making an appointment with Frank, I attended his show room again, this time with my M 4 and KJW SIG SAUER. This allowed me to try on various sites etc on my rifle to pick what I thought was comfortable and practical to use. I settle on a dual purpose tactical light and laser set up with a pressure pad mounted on a side tactical railing which did not interfere with the fore grip of the rifle because of the length of the tactical railing on the lower and upper hand guards. This concept will be great for CQB. I bought a few more extra things from Frank and left quite happy. I told Frank no more buying to after the Airsoft Convention because I got to see what kit other vendor's have lol. I would reccommend Teams or Airsoft memembers to set appointment s to attend Frank's show room. He is very reasonable. Team Fist get ready because Spring is almost here and I am looking forward to trg your team in Field and Battlecraft in April...however everyone, you should check out Frank show room considering there are very few and far between Airsoft Stores in Toronto.


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