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guysullavin May 4th, 2009 22:03

Airsoft Laws in general
Ok, so I'm really confused, hear me out.

So i first thought that in canada all airsoft guns would have to just have the orange tip, i was instantly disproven by my friend and, so i then thought that all airsoft guns had to be clear unless you had a replica arms license, then recently, after taking a trip down to a local Army Surplus store, the owner told me that if your 18 you can purchase full bodied airsoft rifles from retailers on this site.

so can I get the full story before it drives me insane?

ShelledPants May 4th, 2009 22:09

The only real laws that the average person needs to know are this, but they fall under common sense and safe practices with any weapon:

Displaying a replica firearm (airsoft gun, regardless of clear body or orange tip) in a public place not designated as a field allowed for the discharge of firearms, is against the law, and the officers of the law will respond in a way relative to your actions (you may be shot, arrested, jailed, fined, etc...).

Buying a replica firearm (airsoft gun, more often than not regardless of clear or coloured) from overseas will get the gun confiscated at the border, and a letter from the CBSA stating so, and possible legal suits to follow.

To everyone else, if I am incorrect about something I've said, correct me.

Fly 9 May 4th, 2009 22:09

You can buy "black" bodied airsoft guns to your heart's content...however, to take advantage of the legal loopholes, a lot of the retailers are stocking clear bodied guns so they don't get raided blah blah.
Black guns aren't technically legal, however, they're not really enforced/illegal. weird situation that people on this site try not to draw attention to.
There are loads of metal bodies you can buy to replace that clear plastic, there are also loads of "black" guns in the classifieds that you can see when you get age verified.

Short version
Airsoft guns, in general, fall into a weird loop hole wherein you are not in possession of a firearm as it doesn't fire over 500fps and some kind of joules, but you are also not in possession of a replica because they are functioning.

However, to avoid any sort of confiscation issues when importing, retailers bring in clear guns that you can mod aesthetically later on, whether it be through painting or by replacing the body outright.

Ashton May 4th, 2009 22:11

Being a newbie myself, this might not be the correct response, though this is what I have garnered:

Currently retailers are only publicly selling clearsoft rifles due to legal restrictions imposed on them, but the private sales sanctioned on the classifieds of ASC are perfectly legal. Get age verified and you'll be able to purchase full black AEGs over the classifieds without any sort of license; you only need to be eighteen.

guysullavin May 4th, 2009 22:12

Response to ShelledPants
so the age thing is really just to prevent dumbs***'s from drawing attention?

Fly 9 May 4th, 2009 22:14

In a sense, yes. However, a lot of the good retailers run through this site and respect that rule as do a lot of the game organisers.
It's a tight knit group of people who look out for eachother east to west. Someone screws up somewhere, the entire community knows.

Styrak May 4th, 2009 22:14


Originally Posted by Fly 9 (Post 978973)
Airsoft guns, in general, fall into a weird loop hole wherein you are not in possession of a firearm as it doesn't fire over 500fps and some kind of joules, but you are also not in possession of a replica because they are functioning.

False. They're still replicas.

Fly 9 May 4th, 2009 22:17

Thank you for correcting me. I thought that replicas were non functioning.

Now I know.

surebet May 4th, 2009 22:18

There are subtile nuances between replica and imitation firearms, but bottom line, don't try to figure it out.

ShelledPants May 4th, 2009 22:21


Originally Posted by guysullavin (Post 978976)
Response to ShelledPants
so the age thing is really just to prevent dumbs***'s from drawing attention?

No, legalities aside, airsoft guns are a hazard if used in an unsafe manner. Loss of an eye, or cracking teeth are very real injuries from misuse (and in a lot of cases for teeth... regular game play) of airsoft weapons.

On the box of, and in the manuals for, and written on the side of many airsoft guns; 18+ years old.

victual7 May 4th, 2009 22:26

Sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo
It seems like alot of guy's are running around with M249 saw's
Were the hell are they getting them
and how can I get one

guysullavin May 4th, 2009 22:27

well i understand that obvious safety hazards apply, but it doesn't take a 20 year old to recognize them.

then again there are some pretty dumb 16 year olds, thanks for the help guys

Drake May 4th, 2009 22:27

I think it's important to emphasize something about clear and halfbreed guns: they're currently being TOLERATED, they are in no way "in the books" as being legal. What constitutes a replica is largely open to interpretation, and CBSA's policies/stand on them can easily change.

ShelledPants May 4th, 2009 22:29


Originally Posted by victual7 (Post 978994)
Sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo
It seems like alot of guy's are running around with M249 saw's
Were the hell are they getting them
and how can I get one

The magical pixie land of Read the FAQ, which is near the country of ASC Classifieds. All that separates the two is The Bridge of Age Verification: Guarded by the mean toll booth men, the Age Verifiers.

surebet May 4th, 2009 22:31

My fear is than the initial high volume distribution of these guns will ultimatly bite us in the end.

WTF store front sold guns?!

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