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poor man's gun suggestions?
This question is more of a budget question than a "what specific gun should I get" question. I'm a University kid and I'm in my classes for the year end in a couple weeks, and unfortunately so does my job. I currently work in my schools library but because of budget cuts I'll be out of work as of next Saturday at 4pm. Now assuming I don't get a hair cut or buy Left 4 Dead I'll have about $180-$200. Is there anything I can do or am I stuck until I get a summer job?
for that amount i would suggest the Aftermath Broxxa or Kraken both are good starter platforms wich allows for easy upgrading in th e future
1) buy a hair clipper; it pays for itself in about 2-3 haircuts 2) while you may be able to find something for that price, I'd suggest you wait, save up, and get something better quality. Otherwise you'll probably be blowing money on something that's gonna take a huge dump on you 6 months down the road just for the sake of having it sooner than later. 3) don't know if you're factoring in, or already have, other stuff you'll need, like decent goggles (don't cheap out on your eye protection, if it fails you don't get a second chance), battery + charger, BBs, etc. |
I agree with Drake. $200 really isn't enough. Any guns you can get in that range are not going to be stellar performers, and usually require some preventative maintenance, which requires some $$ spent on parts.
And like Drake said, that doesn't even touch the cost for the BB's, additional battery (the ones that come with low-end, or most, airsoft guns are crap), a good charger, eye protection, etc. |
Just kidding around... You'll need at the very least, twice that to get started with any sort of AEG that's NOT from CT or the likes. Good news is after you purchase your AEG, battery, and charger - BBs are so cheap that after your initial purchase, budget won't be hard to keep. Mind you, then you get addicted to airsoft like "Bobby on the corner gets addicted to crack" and it's all over. Budget out the door, Kraft Dinner, face paint and war movies... oh and obviously, you'll need some camo to run around in the woods too... :) Anyway, start hunting for a summer job, save up and get something you like. Good luck. |
I'd say get your gear and all that first, you can secure a rental at the field right?
Just ask around your local forums and see if anyones willing to rent for the day. All of my gear is probably a good $400-500. That's safety gear, chestrig, BDU's, boots, gloves and all that. |
To be absolutely blunt, wait until you get another job. You cannot afford to play airsoft.
If you can't decided to buy a video game or cut your hair, how can you justify buying a gun that just might break before or at your first game? |
Not only will the lower end aegs be just that, lower quality, they probably won't be a gun you'll like to play with. Sure you can buy a Kraken, but you might not like AK's, and be downright uphappy playing with one.
Thanks for the input guys, you're help is very much appreciated :D
Don't buy L4D. Not enough content... I pre-purchased, and was bored by the end of the demo, and maybe played 5 hours of the full game before I deleted it. Use the 200 to buy your cheap BDUs, then borrow a gun for a few games. Krakens are good if you can live with AKs, but you will need a relube, reshim, and a downgrade to M90 or M100. Or you can get metal bushings, doing both would be the best. Then after you save up enough money, get a better gun. (I would say CA or G&P, but honestly, the newer JGs, as in the 416 and S-System are pretty good as well)
take up blow, its cheaper....also less addictive.
He's right you know... just wait a few months, and you'll have a heart attack at the actual spending lol. I though I had spent around 800 up to this point. Oh man. Was I far off.
why not use that 200$ to try out airsoft and see if you like it. Possibly going to a game with sweaters, helmet-goggles. Then ask a mate if you can borrow his gun pay to rent possibly or just give him a case of booze?
Just a word of caution. If money is tight, airsoft is a BAD hobby to get into. If you become an even partly active player, it will suck you dry faster than a crack whore looking for her next fix...
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