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MrEvolution March 20th, 2009 02:04

LRRP's in Vietnam
Heres a writeup I did for DonP's newest site, posting it here as well.


Vietnam Loadouts.
Long Range Recon Patrol (LRRP) in Vietnam
by: Sam "MrEvolution" Cino.

History (from
Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol, or LRRP (pronounced and sometimes spelled "LuRP"), were special small four to six-man teams utilized in the Vietnam War on highly dangerous special operations missions deep into enemy territory.

The tactical employment of LRRPs was later evaluated to be generally used far too dangerously by strategic commanders, who were pleased by the extraordinary kill ratios for LRRPs teams (sometimes reported as high as 400 enemy troops for every LRRP killed). Their use was reconsidered and restructured into modern day Long Range Surveillance (LRS) units.

One commentator writes: "During the course of the war LuRPs conducted around 23,000 long-range patrols, of this amount two-thirds resulted in enemy sightings. LuRPs also accounted for approximately 10,000 enemy KIA through ambushes, sniping, air strikes, and calling in artillery fire."

From: RECON TEAM RAMROD (Reenactors) Operator 1-1 M. James.


"Nakata Shoten" brand "John Wayne Dense" (JWD) Tiger-Stripe Uniform with Boonie Hat
Available from: (Asian site, best to have a translator and group order)
Other "Close enough" patterns available from Tiger-Stripe Products, eBay, and Local Surplus Stores.

PAVN shoes:
Available from: eBay (best bet)


OD Jungle Boots:
Available from:

World War 2 Leggings:
(Either worn outside[usually], or inside the pants)
Available from /

PAVN/Chicom AK47 chest rig:
(For AK-47 Magazines, but can also fit 20 Round and 30 Round M16 Style Magazines)
Available from: eBay / (One-Stop Nam Shop)

M56 pattern belt, M56 suspenders, and M56 canteen covers:.
Canteen Covers we're utilised more than the issued mag pouches, as they could hold more ammo and grenades. Some Operators could fit up to nine 20 round magazines, up from four that the actual mag pouch could hold. Up to 4-6 grenades (Pineapple, Lemon, Baseball types) could be contained, or up to 9 mini-grenades.
Available from: (The One-Stop Nam Shop) / eBay / Most Surplus Stores.

Substitutions: May substitute M56 belt for World War 2 Era BAR Belt. They hold many 20 Round magazines without needing
canteen covers.
Available from: /

KABAR Knife:
Available from: eBay, Surplus/Knife Stores, Ka-Bar and Ontario Knife Co suggested.

20 ft Rope with D-Ring/Snap Link:
Available from: Most Hardware Stores /

PRC Radio:
Available from: eBay / Surplus Stores. Getting Hard to find.

Black Leather gloves with fingertips removed:
Available from: Almost everywhere. / /

ARVN Rucksack:
Available from: eBay / Surplus Stores /

Suggested Weapons (Most Reliable/available listed):

Rifles: (Using 20 round or 30 round sized magazines [can hold from 20-100 6mm BB's])
  • Classic Army XM177-E2 (has "Grenade loop" on barrel to mount M203)
  • G&P XM177-E1 (No "grenade loop")
  • Classic Army M15-A1 Vietnam
  • Tokyo Marui M16 VN
  • Inokatsu M60-A1
  • Real Sword Type 56 (Chinese copy of the AK47, a 'captured weapon' from the Viet Cong)

  • Tokyo Marui M1911-A1
  • KJW M1911-A1
  • KJW Ruger MK1 (Issued to LRRP/Navy SEALs/Special Forces with a Silencer)

  • Craft Apple Works (CAW) M79 Launcher (aka "Thumper" or "Bloop Gun")
  • ASC7 Claymore Land Mine (Wired preferred) with Claymore Bag.

Further Reading and Information:

User "voodookid88" from, used with permission from RT-RAMROD.
filenames: lrrp1.jpeg / lrrp2.jpg

Graham July 19th, 2011 20:23

Instead of starting a new thread, I figured I'd throw my photos in here. Shooting for a '67(ish) LRRP kit.

Moores tigers, boonie and boots.
OG web gear, SKS chest rig ('76, cheating I know), holster, and CIDG rucksack.
Classic Army XM177E2 (will be making way for a G&P E1 soon)

Also just learned that photobucket has editing options now, so I tried to make a couple 'old' photos.

Hope you enjoy,


SHaKaL July 19th, 2011 20:43

Planning on getting a WE M16A1 open bolt from Garrison airsoft and a full VN war ''grunt" era kit from Moore.

I know it's not Lrrp but... No traffic on other VN thread. But i might get a tigers tripe bdu to.

Will probably be the only player in Quebec province with one...
I might be ready to play with it next September.

I'm kinda tired of the modern look... One of my other kit is 101e para.

5kull July 19th, 2011 21:01


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1503869)
Planning on getting a WE M16A1 open bolt from Garrison airsoft and a full VN war ''grunt" era kit from Moore.

I know it's not Lrrp but... No traffic on other VN thread. But i might get a tigers tripe bdu to.

Will probably be the only player in Quebec province with one...
I might be ready to play with it next September.

I'm kinda tired of the modern look... One of my other kit is 101e para.

Hey Shakal,
I'm in if you want to do a Vietnam loadout. I like the early tiger stripe like this one (original lrrp photo form 67-68). It's the same typed used in Apocalypse now the movie, on the poster they have the John Wayne Dense version:) I have no idea what the pants are but a lot of that stuff was custom made in Vietnam in small shops.

SHaKaL July 19th, 2011 21:06


Originally Posted by 5kull (Post 1503879)
Hey Shakal,
I'm in if you want to do a Vietnam loadout. I like the early tiger stripe like this one (original lrrp photo form 67-68). It's the same typed used in Apocalypse now the movie, on the poster they have the John Wayne Dense version:) I have no idea what the pants are but a lot of that stuff was custom made in Vietnam in small shops.

I'm in. ;)

Alway's was an history buff about Viet-Nam war.
But right now I'm on a tight rope as budget goes... Hope to get all my stuff somewhere on September or October...
I will get a ''grunt'' load out first and go from there.

BTW; Nice, really nice Stoner on the pic :)

ex July 19th, 2011 21:06

psst thats a SEAL...not a lrrp Sorry :P

S.H.I.E.L.D. July 19th, 2011 21:09

good eye ex

SHaKaL July 19th, 2011 21:10


Originally Posted by ex (Post 1503881)
psst thats a SEAL...not a lrrp Sorry :P

... Was thinking the same... ---Stoner---

But i did deviate the thread a little about getting a ''grunt'' kit.

SHaKaL July 19th, 2011 21:44


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1503922)
If you guys want any more ref pics, I can post up some of my dad's he was with a LRRP/Ranger(E Co LRRP/ C Co Rangers).

Do we really have to ask???

Damn! post them... PLEASE! ;)

5kull July 20th, 2011 06:06


Originally Posted by ex (Post 1503881)
psst thats a SEAL...not a lrrp Sorry :P

Seal it is:) Dont know why I wrote lrrp, tired I guess.

hollywood... July 20th, 2011 08:36

post up Skeletor

vondnik July 20th, 2011 15:11


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1503869)
Planning on getting a WE M16A1 open bolt from Garrison airsoft and a full VN war ''grunt" era kit from Moore.

I know it's not Lrrp but... No traffic on other VN thread. But i might get a tigers tripe bdu to.

Will probably be the only player in Quebec province with one...
I might be ready to play with it next September.

I'm kinda tired of the modern look... One of my other kit is 101e para.

Sorry tu burst your buddle but bruce and I have played wiht tiger stripe on and off. Mostly early 2000 and for a few seasons. I sill have my set..... Somewhere.

SHaKaL July 20th, 2011 15:19


Originally Posted by vondnik (Post 1504248)
Sorry tu burst your buddle but bruce and I have played wiht tiger stripe on and off. Mostly early 2000 and for a few seasons. I sill have my set..... Somewhere.

No bubble to burst... Never said i would be the first, just that i will probably
be the only one playing with one in the next seasons.

I just never saw anyone in Quebec playing a VN era grunt.

Skeletor; Thanks for the great pictures

S.H.I.E.L.D. July 20th, 2011 16:52

THE book to locate if you wanna put together a accurate Vietnam US Army impression is a book by Shelby Stanton; U.S. Army Uniforms of the Vietnam War (9780811725842): Shelby Stanton: Books

Osprey also has some very good publications for uniform references for LRRPs, Abn, mudbellies, jarheads, green faces, MACV-SOG etc etc.

Definitely recommend you guys give them a look, absolutely invaluable.


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1504252)
No bubble to burst... Never said i would be the first, just that i will probably
be the only one playing with one in the next seasons.

I just never saw anyone in Quebec playing a VN era grunt.

I dunno if he still does, but Porkchop on the boards used to come here from QC for our Nam games ShaKal, he had an excellent Vietnam War ANZAC loadout.

MrEvolution July 20th, 2011 17:45


Originally Posted by S.H.I.E.L.D. (Post 1504324)
I dunno if he still does, but Porkchop on the boards used to come here from QC for our Nam games ShaKal, he had an excellent Vietnam War ANZAC loadout.

I miss LRRPing with that man. The FAL he had makes the impression.

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