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Tekeshi March 11th, 2009 21:56

400/120/68 round magazines what is best?
I just ordered a CA M15A4 CQB and i am wondering what kind of mags i should be getting for my gun. I have heard that 400 round high cap mags are nice to have because they hold a lot of ammo but i was also was told that they tend to make a lot of sound when moving around. So i am thinking of going with mags that hold a smaller number of rounds. My questions would be the following:

What size of mags would be best when playing a game?

How many Mags should i be carrying?

I am currently looking at the following mags:

Any suggestions to a cheaper or better mag are appreciated.

CDN_Stalker March 11th, 2009 22:01

68 round low caps are most reliable.

zone 69 March 11th, 2009 22:07

I run in my M4 5x KA plastic 110rd midcaps kinda crapy, and one TM metal 190rd shortmag good mag, and two D-boys metal 300rd hicaps as back ups kinda crapy.
My total cost for all new&used = 50$ bucks

yuhaoyang March 11th, 2009 22:08

Depends if your looking for realism. Like CDN_Stalker said, they are reliable, but then again, it's not like hi-caps break every week, you'll get your good use out of either. Midcaps swirl around inside the mag, and the spring has to swirl with the BB tube. Hi-caps come in 300rd and 190rd 20rd styles. The 300rd is fine, pretty cheap at around $12USD at ebaybanned or redwolf or something to $18 at VA, but yeah, they rattle like mad. The 190rd is a pain in the ass, since you need to wind it up about every 15 BBs

Jimski March 11th, 2009 22:16

hicaps go pkchhh pkchhh when you run

Erennert March 11th, 2009 22:16

I find that with high-caps, at least the one that came with my JG MP5, I couldn't even get 10 BB's out without having to wind it so I bought 5 midcaps.

Is that normal?

Rotting March 11th, 2009 22:32

General consensus is the lower the capacity, the more reliable the magazine.

Highcaps have a tendency to not feed properly, ie: the 10 rounds and you have to wind up. I had that problem with my high-cap, and switched to midcaps. Of course, there are some highcaps that are reliabel. Regardless, in a game, a highcap tends to rattle as a result of the BBs. Pretty much not wanted by anyone.

Midcaps are relatively reliable. Some (not all) need a little oil to et the job done. My MAG 100rd SiG Series magazines required oil to function properly just because of the friction causing jamming. Again, some midcaps work flawlessly.

Lowcaps tend to be the best, out of the box, IMO. They feed in a straight line (or as straight as it can get for the type of magazine), so there's no curve like in midcaps for BBs to jam up. I haven't seen or heard anyoen complain about their low-caps not functioning properly, although sometimes people go ballistic because 1 or 2 BBs didn't feed.

For all magazines, if you decide to oil them a bit, make sure it's just that, a bit. If you over lubricate them, you get gunk in your mags. At that point you just end up hating all lifeforms because now you have to try and clean it out (and in some cases have to re-oil it properly, which is kind of a waste of oil).

yuhaoyang March 11th, 2009 22:46

Oh man... Magpul mags? Those are kinda overpriced IMO... Especially when you can make your own Magpul mag for half that price =p

Erennert March 11th, 2009 22:49

You could just take some black duct tape and wrap it around some cord, shoelace, anything that would hold.

Muffin March 11th, 2009 22:50

If your starting out, I'd say try out your highcap, as you should be getting one with your CQB(excellent weapon choice btw). When I started out to me highcaps were the best as they held more ammo. As getting more involved in the hobby I've been hunting for more realism in my game and I now run 10 King Arms M4 lowcaps(68rnds) of which I plan to mod to hold 30rnds.

yuhaoyang March 11th, 2009 22:51

Or even better, a box of 10 STAR mags for 30 USD, then use the rubber outer layer from wires and ductape. The STAR mags are plastic, but they are pretty durable, they can crack in winter, and is lighter, but internally, it feeds the same as a high priced metal mag.

LUTNIT March 11th, 2009 23:04

Good hicaps (TM armalite for example) are by far the most reliable mags I have ever used. They feed even in 30+ round/second guns where even 68rnd mags can have issues, and I find I can get around 100rnds out on semi or 200rnds in auto bursts. If your hicap only fires 10 shots then its broken, you said JG, nuff said there.

They rattle and are totally unrealistic, but they are incredibly reliable.

I use MAG plastic 110rnd midcaps, have 16 of them for my rig, use STAR 30rnd realcaps in games that require it, have 20 of those. I would use King Arms 68rnd metal lowcaps but they don't feed at all in the ICS guns I have tested them in so I can't use em.

I have had lots of issues with STAR midcaps (90-120rnds) but their realcaps (20-30rnds) work great. I have had no issues with any MAG products at all and they feed faster than any other brand of midcap I have tried. TM is the most reliable, period, but also quite expensive. I had MAGPUL 120rnd PMAG's before (the real ones, not the "green line" ones made by STAR) and they where amazing, better than MAG midcaps but at 2-4x the price I prefer MAG.

Tekeshi March 11th, 2009 23:48

Have to also ask will a 2400 mah battery last a fair amount of time?

Capt. T/O March 12th, 2009 00:02

also consider the type of games you will be playing.. by this i mean the mag requirements.

if you plan to attend any of the milsims in the calgary area, hicap mags are NOT allowed (except for dedicated SAWs).

you will be restricted to midcaps, lowcaps and real caps.

although the rules on the number of mags you can carry change from time to time, typically (and if i remember correctly) midcaps are limited to 3-4, lowcaps 8-10 and realcaps are unlimited.

for skirmishes and the battlefield games, it doesnt matter and you can run with hicaps.

Styrak March 12th, 2009 00:03


Originally Posted by Tekeshi (Post 938240)
Have to also ask will a 2400 mah battery last a fair amount of time?

That will probably last 2x 6-8 hour milsim games if you don't shoot like crazy.

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